Thursday, October 9, 2014

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "The City." Our current temperature was also the predicted overnight low temperature, 43°. Later today, after the sun rises at 7:48 a.m., we hope to see a high of 53 sunny degrees. Friday, about the same, with a few more clouds. Saturday more of the same. Sunday, the National Weather Service is predicting the same temperature, with a 50% chance of p.m. showers. Then on Monday, an 80% chance of T-storms is in the forecast. I'll wait and see and consult the weather dog, because that N.W.S. forecast is too far out.

Wednesday, passed uneventfully. Mary and I did some editing in the afternoon after our nap. Then it was time for Sugar the Weather Dog and me to go for our second walk of the day. Mary and I had scheduled a delivery of my new La-Z-Boy™ for the afternoon and that was the best time to take Sugar for a walk. Later, it was time to play with the girls and do that editing. I read the newspaper that Sugar and I picked up while we were out. Mary worked.

Today, we have to finish the final editing. If all goes well, we'll get that done in the afternoon, not at 2:00 a.m. Life stops being funny at 2:00 a.m.

Did I mention my new La-Z-Boy™"? In case I forgot, it is very comfortable. Sugar remembered her role in checking out the comfort level too. She knew how to hop up, curl up, and get her dose of pets. It's been several years, but she knew just what to do, as did I.

No trains yet. I am guessing that I didn't hear one. I just watched the northbound run at 3:07 a.m.. Two mismatched locomotives does not a train make.

Elsewhere today, I 'll get to some of that laundry. I just didn't have the energy yesterday. As I've often noted, when you are retired, you can easily procrastinate. I may take a few more pictures before the sun sets at 7:13 p.m. Now that I found out how to turn off the flash, I feel confident that I can take the pictures that I didn't get at the eclipse yesterday morning.  Yes, I felt dumb. I tried the camera out the window of Mary's office yesterday after noon. I'll try some of those pictures out on my faithful readers. They are below. Ciao.

I found new photographic skills yesterday. The sun was behind the clouds and made for a nice effect.

Same here.

This was an experiment in framing. I'm not satisfied, but I am learning.

I like this one better.  It includes houses, trees, and other things to give perspective.  I also used what Mary and I learned abut including angular things in a picture. I also tried to incorporate the "Magic Light" that Mary and I learned about too. 

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