Thursday, October 23, 2014

Good evening GH and all points west. It is just past 11:30 p.m. in "The City." We have a current temperature of 50° under cloudy skies. Looks like we'll get down to 45° before the night is over. That's OK by me. Tomorrow, after the sun rises at 8:07 a.m., we expect to see a high of 56° under mostly cloudy skies. Saturday about the same. Sunday is expected to be sunny and 55°. The only chance of rain is 10% on Saturday. It should be a good day to go to the MSU/Michigan game viewing at the Post.

Today the southbound train went by at 2:20 p.m. towing 16 covered hopper cars. At about 6:00 p.m., the two locomotives made the return trip north, sans freight cars of any description.  I don't know what's up with that.

Sugar the Weather Dog and I took the morning walk while Mary worked on her indexing project. When we returned, Sugar the Weather dog morphed into Sugar the Sous Dog and helped me in the kitchen as I made more Buffalo Spicy chickpeas and spaghetti squash. In between, I read the newspaper and worked the crossword. I also found time to play the girls for a while. All good. I was working on some music transcription when I had to go to work in the indexing factory. That took a few hours, but we are done for now. That means that I can get back to work on my music. All good once again.

Tomorrow, Mary has promised to help with the vacuuming. She started that tonight while I had my editor's hat on. Right now, she is futzing in the kitchen and doing some laundry. It has taken her three years, but she is getting a handle on where she wants to store pots, pans, and miscellany. I'm staying out of the way.

I have no specific plans for tomorrow. I think I'll go to the library and pick up the books I have on hold. I'll have time to read them now. Naturally, Sugar and I will take a walk in the morning. She needs to get her Bordatella booster and a pawdicure, so perhaps that's the direction that we'll go. Mary can't go to the doctor's office with us because of her allergy to cat dander.

As the day wears on towards sunset at 6:47 p.m., I should be able to sit in my La-Z-Boy with Sugar and just veg out. What's not to like about that?  Ciao.

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