Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Good morning, good evening, wherever you may be in "The City." It is just past 2:30 a.m. and the current temperature is 67°, as we roll towards a low of 59°. Once the sun rises at 6:37 a.m., the temperature will begin to rebound to 71°, which will repeat itself over and over for the next few days. Sugar the Weather Dog was queried about the forecast for T-storms on Tuesday, and she confirmed my personal forecast that the rains would pass us by. So that means it's back to the hose to apply water to the gardens today. That will happen after Sugar and I return from her doctor following her 10:00 a.m. appointment.

I missed the earlier southbound run of the train, and I am hoping to be back in bed before the northbound run. With the improving economy, the trains have been growing in length and the mix of cars is ever changing.

In sports, the boys in blue are on a roll. They have won four out of five, and last night they beat the Rockies in 12 innings, 6 - 5. On the strength of home runs by catcher Wellington Castillo, and a towering drive by newly called-up rookie Javier Baez, playing in his first major league game, they are on the move. With his family watching, Baez got off to a rocky start, striking out in three of his first five at bats. But when he got the pitch he was looking for, it was long gone over the wall. Here's hoping that this is the first of many. My beloved Red Sox fell to the Cardinals, 2 - 3. Fortunately, the  Tigers beat the Yankees 4 - 3 to make me feel better. The Caps lost to the Lake County Captains, 2 - 3.

Yesterday I went to my P/T appointment. I rode my bicycle and the appointment went well. My therapist suggested that I order a lumbar support cushion for my office chair to aid in my posture, which I did. It will arrive on Thursday. He also suggested that I raise the height of my computer. After consulting with Mary, we placed a box most recently containing a batch of printing underneath, and that raised the computer by about two inches. Cost, nothing. Good feeling, everything, as we re-purposed a box that called out for some new use. Mary's ingenuity and thriftiness saved us $20.00 and kept a box out of the landfill. A little leftover fabric will bring it fully into vogue.

Meanwhile, I am endeavoring to improve my posture before the lumbar support arrives, by concentrating on sitting upright and using the timing program that Mary had me get from the internet. For years, I have slouched when working on my computer or at my desk. I get up every 20 minutes and that in itself is a good thing. I was also advised by the therapist to get up after every song or two when playing the girls. I use a tall stool, so though inconvenient, it is a simple thing to do. I suspect that Adam's therapist has given him similar advice too regarding desk height etc. Since he and I are taller than the average desk was built to accommodate, we share some similar aches and pains.

Once again yesterday, I had lunch at the hospital cafeteria salad bar. I used to exist on salad bars when I was going to college, and I still enjoy the variety of choice. Mary creates a tasty salad bar too, often using the bounty from our gardens, but her choices are of necessity, limited. I may do salad bar again following Thursday's P/T appointment.

Our garden continues to yield a bountiful harvest. Soon, the cucumbers will be coming in to join the tomatoes, green beans and hopefully, the green peppers. For a picture of one of our recent harvests, check Mary's blog at, for Sunday August 3, 2014, as well as future postings. My task is to grow and water. Mary cooks and chronicles the harvests.

I got started on my highlighting for Mary yesterday. It seems like it will be an interesting book. By the time I walked with Sugar, read the newspaper, got back from my appointment, voted in the primary, and got started on that highlighting, the day was mostly gone. Busy, busy, busy.

Last night I walked over to Central Park to see the Sea Cruzers play old time rock and roll. I stayed for about an hour, and then headed home to watch a movie with Mary. As usual, I fell asleep and then I was off to bed until just a short time ago.

Once Sugar and I get back this morning, I'll read the paper, do more highlighting, and play the girls a bit. If I highlight for about two hours each day. I should be able to get the work done on schedule. The sun will reliably set at 8:59 p.m. I'll watch some TV and then it will once again be time for bed. Like I've said before, retirement is such a busy time of life. Ciao.

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