Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Good morning GH. It is just past 3:00 a.m. in "The City." Our current temperature is 61°, the expected overnight low. Tomorrow after the sun rises at 6:48 a.m., the sunny skies will let the temperatur soar to a high of 67°. Not bad for a day in August. The chance of precipitation has dropped to 0% after two mostly rainy days. As of now, the next significant chance of rain is Saturday, when the high reaches 75° and the chance of showers rises to 60%. That's several days away, so I'll once again take the forecast provided by Sugar the Weather Dog over that of the National Weather Service as we get closer.

In sports, the boys in blue defeated the Brew Crew 3 - 0, with another win by Kyle Hendricks, the 24 year old with a 4 - 1 record. Anthony Rizzo hit another home run. I'll keep hoping that next year really is here, now. Too late for this season, but there is now a chance for next year. My beloved Red Sox slipped past the Reds, 3 - 2. The Tigers are in trouble. They lost to the Pirates, 2 - 4. They didn't lose any ground to the Royals, bu they are not looking well. The Caps eked out a win over the South Bend Rail Cats, 2 - 1.

Tuesday I had my latest visit at P/T. New exercises for my thoracic yak and an admonition to take it easy on the entire yak. Adam says that I need to use the right combination of drugs, exercises, and precautions and get busy living, so that's my plan. Adam knows whereof he speaks on yak issues.

Once I came home, Sugar the Weather Dog refused to go out, just as she did before I left. Her prediction had come true, as it poured rain while I was at P/T and the rain continued until later in the afternoon, when Mary walked with her while I was editing. A small window had opened, and so with a bit of subterfuge by Mary, Sugar went out for a short walk. I think that today will be more to Sugar's liking. Editing went well, we got our work done, and then we settled in for the evening.

Today, Mary, Sugar and I will walk to the farmer's market for a few things. I'd like to go to the big-box electronics store to get a larger monitor for my desktop too. Now that I know that I can use the DVDI port, I can do what I tried to do once before, get a bigger screen in front of my old eyes. This should be good day for that short trip. We have two more projects in the pipeline, but I am done with the highlighting of one and I have about 140 pages to go on the other. Mary has a lot more wok than I, but I will have read about 650 pages to get my early parts done. I am learning, so that's all good. Anyone who stops learning, stops living.

Elsewhere today, we are expecting that carpenter to visit this evening to give us an estimate on that broken porch railing. If his estimate and plan seem reasonable enough, I'll let him go at it. Otherwise, I'll take a crack at the job myself. I have a figure in mind, but I won't tell him that. That assumes that he makes the appointment.

Once we get back from the big-box electronics store and I get the monitor hooked up, I'll get back to highlighting. A little play time with the girls is in order too. I have a couple of books to read, but when I am reading for highlighting, I find that I can't read for pleasure. I have a book in transit to the library that I'd like to read too, so one of the books I have is too long to read before I have to get it returned. I'll just put it on my to be read list.

No northbound train yet. I didn't hear the southbound run. I often don't, as my fading hearing and my getting used to the noise often renders the trains invisible. Our guests notice, but I don't.

So before the sun can set at 8:51 p.m., I'll be on my way. Ciao.

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