Monday, April 27, 2015

Once again, Good Morning GH. This is a special edition of my regular blog. I went back to bed and was listening to Coast to Coast AM™, when a promo for iHeart Radio came on. It was one of those retrospectives they have been running about the history of Rock and Roll from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. In this one, the Beatles were mentioned, and the host of the Coat to Coast AM™ program played a short session from 1969 that showcased the harmonies between Paul McCartney and the late John Lennon that ultimately became part of one of their last albums. Naturally, my brain had to do the math to come up with the fact that those harmonies were recorded over 45 years ago.

By now you're asking, "So, what required the special edition of the blog?" Well here goes. It may be a bit maudlin at times, but so be it.

It was just about this time of year, 42 years ago, that Mary and I formally met and began dating. We were married a scant five months later. One year after that, Adam was born and our lives have never been the same. Richer, fuller, more exciting come to mind, but those words are not enough to describe.

I remember the day that Adam was born, quite vividly. I remember trips that he and I would take on the Wednesdays that I had off from work to various locations in Northern Illinois. Mary was sleeping days then, and I got the chance to be with Adam one on one. I didn't know at the time that he would be attending Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL. I remember thinking at the time that all I had to do was to get him to 18 years of age and that would be good. I also remember thinking at 18 that now, all I had to do was to get him through college and launched on his life.

Time has a way of passing all too quickly. People and jobs come and go. Family and friends are all too quickly taken from you. Life's changes seem to buffet you, seemingly without rhyme nor reason. Through it all, you shape some of the events, and some of the events shape you. I used to think that some people were old and some young. Now most people are like me, older and hopefully wiser.

I still like to write rather than to talk one on one. It gives me a chance to think about what I want to say and how I want to say it. Words have an often unique ability to quickly, and sometimes permanently, wound and destroy what you have spent a lifetime building. Maybe that's what being human is all about.

At any rate, though maudlin, those are some of the thoughts that I have on life as inspired by that iHeart promo.

In addition, The Glitter Twins, Mick and Keith, morphed into the Rolling Stones, and they are still touring, however wisely or unwisely, in their 70s. Bob Dylan is making records of old standards from the 1930s and 1940s. The Beatles are now down to two people who rarely get together to play music anymore, although Paul McCartney is now Sir Paul McCartney, and still touring. Elton John is now Sir Elton John, and I think that Mick Jagger is now Sir Mick Jagger. I doubt that I'll live long enough to be so honored.

When I listen to the oldies station from GR, I hear songs that were popular over 40 years ago. I still like them, but I don't long to go back and relive those days. I look forward to whatever life has in store for me in the future. I am happy making my music. I am happy playing in the man-cave. I'm happy that Adam and Steph are happy. And mostly, I'm glad to be alive to see what's going to happen. I am most certainly happy that Mary is along to share the journey. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.

So there you have it. We can't go back again, so it's best to just stay focused on the future. That old saying that goes "When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade", never seemed so true. People come and go, but life goes on, hopefully not long after the thrill of living is gone. Thanks John Mellencamp for the inspiration for that line. Ciao.

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