Friday, April 10, 2015

Good morning GH. What's that they say about better late than never? I guess that you could say that here in "The City" it is early, just after 9:30 a.m., so maybe neither applies.

We had quite the storm last night, so I opted to turn off my computer and leave it that way rather than risk a problem with the myriad chips and things that make it operate. Wise? Probably. Necessary? Mary says no, because I have a replacement computer coming. But until that one arrives, I'd be without, so I took the safe route.

Yesterday was rather uneventful other than the rains that came early. We traveled over to one of the local hardware stores to take advantage of a sale that was going on. We got some things that I/we needed/wanted, and that made more work for me, work that I enjoyed. Plus, we swung by the big-box home center nearby to check on a sale they have in progress. We'll be stopping by there later today to take advantage of that sale too. I love sales almost as much as I like getting free things.

I discovered last night that the later it gets, the better the girls and I sound. Go figure. I was tired of reading, my computer was turned off, so I sat and played and sang. All good there.

I was up late enough to be on the lower level in the palatial estate and do some trainspotting of the southbound run. The usual contingent rolled through.

Today I have nothing on tap other than that quick trip to the big-box home center. That shouldn't take long, so then I have nothing to do. Ain't life grand?

The sun has already risen @ 7:11 a.m., and it won't set until 8:21 p,.m That should give me enough time to do nothing.

STWD may or may not get her morning walk, as it is one the windy side out there; 20 - 30 mph winds. That makes the temperature feel like 28°, not the 38° that it actually is.

That's enough for today. Ciao.

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