Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just passing 5:00 a.m. in "The City."

I missed the train passing in wither direction. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

Mary and I did get to an excellent presentation at the library last night. It was titled "30 Years of Chicago Blues: 1947 - 1977. The presenter, Brett Billedeau, was very knowledgeable and a total Chicago Blues junkie. He's probably forgotten more than I ever knew about that form of music. Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Hound Dog Taylor, Koko Taylor, Big Mama Thornton, John Lee Hooker, the roster goes on and on, take your pick. Their influence on the British Invasion, and R & R was incredible. Many of the artists, like Buddy Guy, are still playing today, but all too many died young without ever getting their due. As an example, I offer these two links. The first is at the induction of Buddy Guy and B. B. King into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The second is the band Cream, jamming live on some of their blues influenced hits.

Elsewhere, I was very productive in the man-cave yesterday. I made two rain deflectors for Mary's deck planters to avoid the flooding that they experienced during the heavy rains the other night. It's a good thing that I did, because it is raining right now. Not heavy, but the deflectors should thwart some of the flooding.

I also got the man-cave cleaned up after my recent experience with what I now infamously call, "The Wet/Dry Vacuum Affair." Truth is, I found the dust filter for my vacuum on my shelf yesterday. Who's the fool now? Wait, don't answer that.

I got out to the "Bone Zone" late yesterday afternoon with STWD, who was ecstatic. She chewed happily while I read and listened to the oldies station. It really doesn't get any better than that. I just didn't take any wine with me since we were headed to the library later.

Mary did some planting in the gardens of the palatial estate as I worked in the man-cave. She found a home for the daisies she got from our neighbor the other day. I actually don't know where they are planted, so I'll be surprised like everyone else.

Most of the early spring flowers are starting to bloom now. The daffodils and the crocuses are in full bloom. Along with Mary's violas, the gardens are very colorful.

I think I'd like today to mimic yesterday, with more emphasis on reading, and less emphasis on man-cave activities.

In sports, the boys in blue returned to first place in-their division with a decisive win over the Reds, 5 - 0. The Tigers eked out a win over the Pirates, 1 - 0. My beloved Red Sox are no longer on their roll, losing to the Washington Nationals 5 - 10. The Caps, won on the road, defeating the Lake County Loons, 2 - 1.

So once the sun rises later this a.m. at 7:01 a.m., and long before it sets at 8:28 p.m., I plan to have an enjoyable day. I need to pick up a prescription later, so maybe we can combine a lunch stop with that activity. Ciao.

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