Monday, April 21, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just after 12:30 a.m. in The City," and the current temperature is 61 very comfortable degrees. Our high on Sunday was in the low 70s. Best of all, that first number is the outdoor temperature at 12:30 a.m. The climate controlled temperature in the Weather Office is 74°. At the risk of repeating myself, "What's not to like?" Mary and I spent the day on the back deck of the Palatial Estate, where we started with a breakfast of tea, grapefruit halves, and toast. After our morning walk with Sugar the Weather Dog, during which we remarked on the beautiful spring day, time got away from us. So we enjoyed lunch on the deck too. I was going to clean the car of its accumulated winter grime, but by the time I made a quick, temporary repair to the water system outdoors, it was time to listen to the boys in blue, a decision that I came to regret. More on that later.

Unfortunately, the weather that we enjoyed on Sunday afternoon is soon to depart. We expect a high of 56° today, accompanied by a 60% chance of T-storms. Then on Tuesday, we plunge to a high of 45°. That high temperature is a harbinger to the low of 33°. That means that Mary's indoor garden will remain indoors until at least Wednesday, to avoid any risk of a chill.

Speaking of the boys in blue, they came off a solid win on Saturday, to treat their fans to a 2 - 8 loss on Sunday. As a lifelong fan I am as frustrated as any fan should be, whether young or old, like me. I am tired of waiting until next year. If the "core" team the management is touting to bring a championship to the team, "Next Year" doesn't produce any better than they did on Sunday, then "Next Year" is a long way away.

I know that sportscasters have often said that the huge contracts of today's players shouldn't bear on their performance, I don't agree. If you are going to ask for or receive huge sums of money to play a "kid's game," then you had best be prepared to play at a high level, everyday. Right now, the boys in blue are playing like a AAA team at best. While it is true that other teams are struggling too, they don't have the long record of futility that the boys in blue continue to offer year after year. Oh well, no one in management is listening anyway.

In better baseball news, the Tigers moved to 9 - 6 and first place in their division, as they eked out a win over the Angels, in an error filled game, 2 - 1. That's why becoming a Tiger's fan is easy. My beloved Red Sox moved up to a record of 9 - 10, two games back of the Yankees, with a win over the Orioles 6 - 5. The Caps had the day off. I'm not reporting on other sports, because as I often say, "Baseball is life."

Mary had to create from what she had on hand as her plans got altered by some "overripe" tofu. I liked her replacement meals. As she often says, "Recipes are just suggestions." That's like Adam's "Speed limits are just suggestions." Mary used part of one recipe to make a glaze for the carrots she made for lunch, and that turned out great. She also used the rice and beans that she made the other day for a taco filling for dinner, and that too was good. The Coleslaw we had for lunch was just average. It needed something, which I think was some vinegar and sugar, to make it better. In this case, I experimented once and got closer to what I like. Coleslaw doesn't follow her recipe dictum too well. It needs a fixed recipe to ensure a quality outcome.

Today I plan to do some laundry, finish our puzzle, and read more. The expected T-storms this afternoon, mean that indoor activities are more appropriate in the p.m. today anyway. A bit of playing the "Girls" is in order too. I have to call the plumber to set an appointment for those repairs I mentioned in my last blog. While my temporary repair is functional, it isn't the long term solution. I think I'll help Mary wind that last skein of yarn for my afghan too.

Sunrise will be at 6:54 a.m. and sunset at 8:32 p.m. We need to go to the grocery to replace some items in our larder, but that is at our discretion. Nothing that can't wait. Ciao.

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