Saturday, April 19, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "The City." Currently, the indoor temperature as reported by the sophisticated, digital, and highly accurate instruments in the Weather Center is 71 climate controlled degrees. According to the analog instruments in the Weather Window Station, the outdoor temperature is 35°. A reminder that this is April 19, 2014. Yesterday, Mary and I went from feast to famine when it comes to the temperature. After having our morning meal indoors, we repaired to the front porch of the estate for our morning tea. Since this was our first foray onto the front porch, I had to clean the furniture of the winter's dirt. If the National Weather Service forecast is correct, we should see 60° today, and 70° on Sunday.

Since we wanted to get a new trowel for the gardens on the palatial estate, the local flower and garden center was just about the right distance for a morning walk. Accompanied by our intrepid Weather Dog, Sugar, we set out. Once there, Sugar was invited in and received a biscuit, much to her joy. We got the trowel, noted that the store had a pot and mulch that we needed, and then set out for home. A brief stop at the local butcher/grocery store for some additional Swiss cheese, and more importantly, a new supply of bones for Sugar, and we were again on our way. More on that garden stop information in a bit.

Once at home, I grated the Cole slaw for lunch, Mary made a smaller version of her famous sauerkraut and Swiss cheese sandwiches and we sat down for lunch. Since I had what turned out to be my final P/T appointment for my shoulder, we decided that we would walk to the hospital for the therapy and then to town for a stop at the Post to see Sally.

What a difference a couple of hours can make in the weather. The winds had turned, the wind chill came up, and our brief walk to the library for the return of some books, convinced us that we were now under dressed and so we returned home to get the car. We could have changed to warmer clothing, but discretion being the better part of valor, we picked up the car.

Rather than wasting time during my P/T appointment, Mary drove to the garden center, got those items previously mentioned and then journeyed to the hardware store to get a replacement tube for my wheelbarrow. The existing tube was shredded beyond repair by that long winter of inactivity. Two hardware stores later, she found one that should work, and still made it back to pick me up before we went to see Sally.

During my P/T appointment, the therapist expressed the view that although I still need to gain some strength, there was nothing more that he could do for me and I was discharged from therapy. If it is determined that I need more rehab later, all I have to do is see the doctor and get a new prescription for additional therapy. Although overjoyed that I succeeded at therapy, I'll miss the structured activity of going to therapy.

I came upstairs, Mary was there and we were off to see Sally. I took my unneeded quarters along for Sally, since she is a collector too. Since I had made a list to assist in finding additional coins, I took that too. Sally helped me search through the quarters at the Post, and I found several. In addition, I won the toss the dice game that I have been trying to win for a long time. We stopped at our second favorite watering hole on this side of the bridge for appetizers and then came home. By the time we left there, it was really cold on the waterfront.

Once home, we listened to the radio as Mary read and I worked a crossword puzzle. Sugar was more than happy to sit in my lap. Finally I was tired and I went up to the media room for some TV watching.Then when I began to fall asleep there, I went to bed. No trains tonight, since it is Saturday morning.

I forgot to mention that when we were at the Post, and later at that second favorite watering hole, we watched the boys in blue squander another fine pitching performance by the staff ace. They lost 1 - 4 and are now at 4 - 11 on the season. As long as I am on the subject of sports, the Tigers were crushed by the Angels, 6 -11. They are now at 7 - 6 on the season. My beloved Red Sox fell 4 - 8 to the Orioles and they are now at 7 - 10 on the season. I hope they right the ship soon. The Caps moved to 10 - 5 on the season with a nifty 5 - 2 win over the the Cedar Rapids Kernels. One out of four isn't bad, is it?

Today, Mary and I plan a bit of gardening. I have to remind Mary that we need to disinfect our clay pots for the year with a mild solution of bleach. Then I can repair my wheelbarrow. Later in the afternoon, I am off to the library for the monthly Irish Jam session. Now that my shoulder is feeling better, it should be an enjoyable experience once again. After that I plan to sit and do very little. Monday is time enough for additional housework, as Mary is planning a dinner that is special for Sunday, while we watch the boys in blue find a new and innovative way to lose a game. Sunrise today will be at 6:54 a.m. and sunset at 8:32 p.m. Ciao.

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