Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 4:30 a.m., and the current temperature in "The City," is 32°. We may get to 42° today, but we'll have to wait until Friday to get back to the lower 50s. I just got our latest natural gas bill, and it reflects the realities of this extended winter. Sugar the Weather Dog will gladly go out with me this morning, as Mary continues to work. Mary and I were so busy yesterday afternoon, that Sugar had to settle for chewing on her bone in the office, and not get to take us for an afternoon walk. I believe that I have a P/T appointment later today.

Otherwise, as is too often the case, I am up waiting for my aching shoulder to settle down. It had been feeling good the last few days, but that may have been a result of the warmer weather that has been sporadically happening. I suspect that the ache comes from too much use of my arm working for my boss. I'll have to rest it a bit to find out. Of necessity, I spent the last several days highlighting and editing at my desk, so that has precluded my doing any other range of motion activities.

Today, I will go to that P/T appointment after I call this a.m. to check the accuracy of Mary's recall. She is generally right, but it never hurts to check. Otherwise I plan to do very little. I might repair that loose railing on the stairs, because that is a safety issue. I might dust a bit, and I plan to play the girls a bit and read too. Of course, playing the girls and dusting are both taxing my arm at the same time that they supply additional range of motion activities. A double edged sword, so to speak.

All of my favorite baseball teams play this evening, so that precludes any TV/radio sports time in the mix for the afternoon. That's why reading seems like a good plan. I can sit in my chair and listen to the radio and music. Mary and I are finding  listening to the radio a better activity than TV watching of late. Television news coverage seems to be dominated by the same old speculation about the same old things about which we can do very little. I can't decide if that sounds defeatist or realistic. Perhaps it is both.

So that looks like enough for this morning. Sunrise will happen at 7:24 a.m., and sunset this evening at 8:10 p.m. I plan to make scrambled eggs for breakfast, because even I like to change it up a bit. Mary and I heard the train go by at 12:30 a.m. this morning. We both had to speculate about its direction of travel. I decided, based on the time, that it was traveling south. When I was awakened earlier by a second train, I sprang from my bed to see what direction it was going. South it was going, to borrow from Yoda. So that means that my earlier speculation was correct. Ciao.

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