Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be It is just past 6:00 a.m. in "The City."
Yesterday was rather routine, just the way I like it. We got up late. fed the fur-children, had a light brunch and then walked the fur-children. Of course, it was the 4th of July, so we celebrated by working. Actually, I had finished my highlighting in the early morning hours. I have more on my desk now, and Mary chunked more of the index. which is why I now have more in my desk. I also made another of my vegan roast beests and then watched some baseball. I'll get back to baseball in a bit.
Once Mary was done chunking, we traveled to Spring Lake for a stop @ Stan's Bar and Grill, you know, the favorite watering hole on the other side of the bridge. Then home to feed the fur-children their dinner, after which we had a short-lived power outage. Once the power came back on, Mary made a nice dinner of spaghetti with vegan sauce. She didn't think it was her best effort, but I beg to differ. I just finished clearing up the supper dishes before sitting down at my desk.
The NWS forecast called for some scattered T-storms this morning, but so far, no evidence of those. STWD was certain that those T-Storms happened last night, as she cowered in her hide-e-hole to get away from the booms of the fireworks. We did get her into her Thunder Shirt™, which soothed her as much as possible. Once the holiday excitement was over and all of the traffic had cleared from in front of the manse, it got quiet once again, just like it was during the power-outage. It is amazing how much background noise there is in a house on a regular day/night when the power is on.
Speaking of the NWS forecast, they are still showing a 20% possibility for scattered T-storms here in GH. Somehow, I doubt it, so it is likely that I'll be watering again later this morning. We have a current temperature of 74° under partly cloudy skies. Today's forecast calls for a high of 77°, a decided improvement over yesterday. However, the relative humidity will still be in excess of 85%! The sun will be rising shortly @ 6:11 a.m. and setting later @ 9:27 p.m.
Finally, back to life. After all, "Baseball is life!" The 49 - 35 Cubs are still in 2nd place in the NL Central, following their 5 - 2 win over the visiting and still not very good, 38 - 50 Tigers. Cubs all-everything player, Javier Baez, is a one-man highlight film, as he can hit, field, and run the bases better than most players in the game today. He was trying to steal 2nd when an errant throw by the Tigers' first-baseman resulted in Baez making it all the way to third-base. From there, he was able to steal home after the pitcher tried a pick-off move to first that allowed Baez to avoid the tag at the plate. That was Baez' second steal of home this season. The Cubs return to the field today to play the visiting 38 - 49 Reds @ 2:20 p.m. EDT.
My beloved, 50 - 29, 1st place in the AL East Red Sox, took another game from the 42 - 43 Nationals, 3 - 0. The Sox are finally starting to win the games that they should be winning and that allows then to stay in first-place, one game ahead of the Yankees. The Sox are off to Kansas City today to play the last-place in the AL Central, 25 - 61 Royals @ 1:20 p.m. EDT.
The 43 - 41, 6th place in the MWL East, White Caps, are on a roll, as they took another game from the 1st place 53 - 31 Lug Nuts, this time by the score of 7 - 3. The Caps and lug Nuts play again tonight @ 7:00 p.m.
Otherwise, not much is on tap for today. Watering, walking the fur-children, picking up the post-holiday edition of the Grand Haven Tribune, and reading. Mary will be indexing, I'll be reading. Ciao.
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