Monday, June 1, 2015

Good morning GH. It is just passing 6:20 a.m. in "The City." The sun will have risen at 6:08 a.m. by the time I hit the publish button, so I'll just mention that we will have a high of 68 on a mostly cloudy day.

I wasn't going to get up early, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

I couldn't let the day pass without mentioning the passing of Beau Biden from brain cancer. As someone who has been down a parallel path, albeit one with a more fortuitous outcome, I wanted to let Vice President Biden and his family know that I am saddened by their loss.

In sports, the boys in blue triumphed over the Royals in 11 innings 2 - 1. The Tigers fell 2 - 4 to the Angels, to make it four losses in a row on their road trip. My beloved Red Sox also fell flat 3 - 4 to the TX Rangers. The Caps also didn't fare too well, losing to Ft. Wayne, 1 - 2. In auto racing, the rain shortened IndyCar race in Detroit was won by Carlos Munoz. Apparently, too much rain and thunder was in the area, causing officials to call off the race. I'm certain that STWD would have agreed with them. Here in GH, the day was dry.

I finished my latest non-fiction book yesterday. It just made me more certain that we need to get out the vote for any election to ensure that the people we support are put into office and the ideas that we like get enacted without the courts getting into the act.

Today I plan to help Mary edit her latest effort and spend time walking with the intrepid WD. Mostly I plan to sit in my La-Z-Boy and watch the world go by and give my yak a chance to feel better.

The sun will set at 9:17 p.m. Ciao.

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