Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is nearly 2:00 a.m. in "The City." Yesterday was a mixed bag weather wise. Temperatures felt warmer early in the day and then seemed to fall as the day wore on. Fortunately, no rain was falling on the heads of yours truly and STWD as we walked to the waterfront and back. We stopped at the newspaper office to see STWD's favorite lady, she is the purveyor of all things dog treat, and she had a couple ready and waiting for the intrepid one. We then we picked up the paper and headed home.

I decided that in spite of the fact that my yak had been aching the day before, that I'd spend a few moments raking up those seed pods from the big tree in the parkway. Even with the many I left on the lawns, I got about one half full and heavy bag. I also spent some time transplanting the cucumbers into several new locations. A little water and they look just fine in their new homes.

By then it was time for lunch and Mary and I had salads. I like them, so it worked fine for me.

Lunch was followed by time with the girls, editing for Mary and then TV viewing.

While I was in final edit mode, Mary went off to the library for a walk and picked up a book she had ordered and also one for me too that I had ordered.

I forgot to mention, that the trains seem to be on a new schedule. At about 10:30 a.m. yesterday, the southbound train went through. Locomotive 2019 was towing one box car, 11 CHCs, with two DBTCs bringing up the rear. At 2:05 p.m., the same locomotive headed back north, with five CHCs, two DBTCs and one lone gray tank car. I don't know if this is the harbinger of all things train in GH train schedules, or just an anomaly. Both trains seemed heavily laden.

In sports, the boys in blue sailed past the Marlins, 5 - 1. The Tigers mercifully had the day off to regroup. My beloved Red Sox also had the day off before beginning a series against the Twins. The Caps were triumphant over the Ft. Wayne TinCaps 7 - 2. Oh, the Bulls got their new coach.

Today, I have no plans. Nada, zip, nil. A walk with STWD to pick up today's paper, read that along with yesterday's paper, and play with the girls. Yep, that looks like a full day.

The sun will rise at 6:07 a.m. and set at 9:18 p.m. after a sunny high of 69° with clear skies and no precipitation in the forecast for a few days. Temperatures should be in the mid 70s. Ciao.

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