Friday, June 12, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. We've just passed 1:30 a.m. in "The City."

Just outside the WW of the Weather Center. located on the grounds of the of the vast PE, the skies are menacingly dark and threatening. Well they are dark, but STWD is sleeping next to the bed that I'm not in, so I know that not much is happening on the weather scene. Theoretically, it is raining and the current temperature of 64° will drop to an overnight low of 55°. Since the street and the sidewalk aren't wet, yet, I can't vouch for the precipitation. I can feel the warm air moving out the raised WW, so I know that the temperature outdoors is cooler than indoors.

Theoretically by 4:00 a.m., we'll be seeing rain and T-storms. If STWD moves to her hide-e-hole at that time, I'll know for sure. If you accept the forecast proffered by the National Weather Service, which I generally don't, there will be heavy rain at 7:00 a.m., and at 9:00 a.m. heavy T-storms begin. The heaviest storms are supposed to begin at 4:00 a.m. Confused yet? I sure am. I'll go with the forecast of the intrepid weather dog.

I did get out on my bike yesterday to go to the small box hardware and home center and then to the medium box grocery store across town. By the time I was heading home, I felt the first drops of the storms that never materialized yesterday. That's just one of the reasons I find any weather forecast for our area suspect. We are in an area that the severe weather often passes by.

But I digress. STWD and I walked to the newspaper box to pick up the news paper before I headed out. Mary left a shopping list that was way too long. I had to remind her that I was on a bike, not driving a delivery van. I was reminded of the chore lists that she used to leave for Adam to accomplish when he got home from school each day. He finally had to tell her that the lists were way too long for three kids, let alone one.

During the course of the day, trainspotting was interesting. Both southbound and northbound runs happened before 2:00 p.m., with the southbound run happening at 9:23 a.m. Both locomotives, #s 2019 and 2057, were employed moving box cars, CHCs, and DBTCs. The southbound run was lightly laden, while the northbound run was more heavily loaded and the CHCs that directly followed the locomotives were from an earlier era in railroading. I say that because the first 11 CHCs were rusty to the point of looking like they were at least 50 years old. Probably not, but they weren't the youngest cars that the railroad has ever deployed.

Mary was hard at work most of the day, and I even had to put on my editor's hat in the early afternoon. Today is the final edit after Mary finishes the entire project. She anticipates about 20 pages for editing. She will continue her work while I theoretically walk with STWD. But if that forecast comes to pass, then the morning walk won't be happening.

I will get in more time with the girls if the T-storms drive STWD to her hide-e-hole.

In sports, the boys in blue defeated the Reds last night, 6 - 3. The Tigers appear to have been off yesterday. Too bad that my beloved Red Sox weren't off, because they lost again to the Orioles, 5 - 6. The Caps also should have taken the day off, as they lost to Peoria, 5 - 8. It appears that Lebron James is human after all, because his scoring was all too human when compared to his previous efforts against the Warriors. The Cave lost by 21 points.

That looks like enough for one or two days. The sun will rise in a few hours at 6:04 a.m. and set later at 9:24 p.m. Ciao.

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