Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Good morning or good evening,wherever you may be. It is just passing 2:00 a.m. in "The City." I'm going to keep this as short as possible.

Trainspotting yesterday was an interesting experience. At 10:02 a.m., I saw the southbound run of locomotives 2057 and 2019 as they towed 10 CHCs and one DBTC, all seemingly unloaded. I missed the northbound run that was probably more heavily laden, as we were on the other side of the bridge. However, I did see the maintenance truck head southbound too, about one hour after the train.

In sports, the B'hawks won Lord Stanley's cup with a 2 - 0 win over the Lightning. It was their first Cup victory at home in 77 years. The boys in blue were rained out. The Tigers beat the Reds, 6 - 0. My beloved Red Sox are really in free fall, losing again 2 - 4, this time to the Braves. The Caps too succumbed to the rain and were also postponed.

The weather yesterday seemed to be a mystery to STWD as much as it was to the National Weather Service. Sugar spent time in her hide-e-hole, but her radar must need a tune-up, because the light rains never became T-storms of the type that rained out the Cubs and the Caps. A nice bit of alliteration there, don't you think?

I had to skip my outdoor chores, other than harvesting the kale for my soup, because the lawns of the PE were too wet. Maybe later today.

I made my soup from the kale as Mary baked bread. My soup tasted great, but Mary is still experiencing problems with the resultant loaves from her bread machine. It may be going back if that is all that can be achieved. I sent her an article that may contain the answer to her concerns.

Back to my soup. Mary loves chopping and gets great pleasure from the activity, I find the chopping process tedious. So, making the soup was more work than pleasure for me. Oh well, that's my idiosyncrasy.

The sun will rise at 6:0 4 a.m. today on a partly cloudy day that has a 0% forecast for rain. That means that it will probably pour.  Temperatures will be in the mid 70° range. Later tonight, the sun will set at 9:26 p.m. Ciao.

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