Sunday, July 6, 2014

Good morning, good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "The City." Our current temperature is 69° as we roll steadily towards our overnight low of 61° Sunday promises to be a sunny day with temperatures around 72°. Monday we begin to ramp up for showers with the chance increasing to 30%. Tuesday, the forecast is calling for a 70% chance of T-storms. Will I have to water before then? Will the T-storms scare Sugar the Weather Dog into one of her hide-e-holes? Tune in Wednesday and find out.

Speaking of Sugar the Weather Dog, random acts of pyrotechnics forced her to retreat several times on Saturday afternoon. In fact, I let out after her dinner, only to hear her scratching madly to get back in. Why you ask? I didn't know until Mary and I went walking late Saturday and found a large spent rocket on our deck stairs. It must have landed just after I let Sugar out. I guess that the landing must have scared her beyond belief. It would have scared me.

Once again, this proves that although people might have the right to launch fireworks indiscriminately in Michigan, they shouldn't. The kind of house fire that occurred Friday morning, two doors down from the palatial estate, provides proof that they shouldn't. But the legislature in their infinite wisdom, felt that the rights of fools should trump the rights of regular people. Sigh.

Saturday was a day of finishing my highlighting chores after Mary, Sugar, and I finished our morning walk. Mary slaved at her desk all day, only taking time to partake of sustenance. I finished and found time to read and play the girls later in the day. Today I am free of watering duties, but that is likely to require a repeat on Monday as I note earlier. Our now very tall tomato plant was looking wilted when I got to him, or is it her? Since there are tomato fruits on the vine, Mary will correct my thinking whichever it is. Right now the tomato plant is named Tom, but that could become Thomasina once Mary reads this. Our pepper plants are all named Pepe, but that might also be subject to change, since they too are fruit bearing.

Otherwise, I am free to go about my business today. My baking yak will probably limit my ambulations, depending on how the vertebra fall. Only time will tell.

In sports, the boys in blue, on the heels of that blockbuster trade with Oakland that sent two solid starting pitchers to Oakland, lost to the Nationals 0 -13. Next year is truly here. The Tigers also lost, in their case to the Rays, 2 - 7. My beloved Red Sox were victimized by the Orioles, 4 - 7. Good news though, those darn Yankees lost also, 1 - 2, to the Twins. The Caps were victorious over the Tin Caps of Fort Wayne, 8 - 4.

The sun will rise at 6:12 a.m. and set at 9:27 p.m. Maybe as the summer slides into fall, Mary and I can see the Musical Fountain in action. Right now, it doesn't get started until after 10:00 p.m. By then, I am usually sound asleep. Well Mary is, I am usually sleeping, but how soundly is open to debate. Ciao.

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