Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "The City." I hadn't planned to get up, but the intense T-storms that were crossing the area a short while ago changed my mind. The storms are supposed to be ending by sunrise at 6:05 a.m. Currently we have a temperature of 67°, but the 90% plus humidity that will continue throughout the day makes it a lot more uncomfortable. However, the gardens on the palatial estate have been thoroughly watered by the heavy storms. As the week progresses, the temperatures should get a bit more comfortable. If the humidity also drops some, we should be fine by the time the Fourth of July rolls around.

Earlier yesterday, actually about 5:45 a.m., the northbound train rumbled through. That was late or early for any train. This morning, the southbound train passed through at 12:40 a.m. Twin EMD GP 38 locomotives towing two box cars, 26 covered hopper cars, and bringing up the rear, two of those dreaded black tank cars. If they are on a schedule like yesterday, I'll be back in bed before they return.

Sugar the Weather Dog is in her upstairs hide-e-hole in an attempt to shield herself from the thunder. I can't say as I blame her. If we have any hope of getting her out later this morning, the thunder will have to be long gone, which it isn't, yet.

I did some highlighting yesterday afternoon after walking Sugar and reading the newspaper. I like Mondays because the crossword puzzles in the newspaper are so easy. As the week wears on and Saturday arrives, the puzzles get increasingly more difficult. In fact last week, one came in which they neglected to include about six of the down clues. On purpose? I don't know. Maybe just bad editing. I've seen enough of that lately.

In sports, the boys in blue defeated my beloved Red Sox 2 - 0. That's a twofer that I both liked and disliked. The Tigers got past the Oakland As 5 - 4. The Caps were once again victorious over the Bowling Green Hot Rods, 8 - 5.

Today, more highlighting, more reading, more guitar playing, more walking. What's not to like? The highlighting is still mostly boring, but that's the way it goes with some projects. The sun will set at 9:27 p.m., and then I'll be ready for bed once more. Early to bed, late to rise, with a short break in the middle for blogging, makes a man feel great. Ciao.

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