Thursday, July 10, 2014

Good morning, good evening, wherever you may be in "The City", or for that matter in the Tri-Cities area, the nation, or the world. It is just past 3:30 a.m. and our current temperature is 58° as we head down to our overnight low of 53°. Today we can expect a high of 69° under mostly sunny skies. That's after the sun rises at 6:15 a.m. Sugar the Weather has nothing in her forecast and the view out the Weather Window is dark with a side of empty. Sugar is dreaming happily on her couch. No T-storms in the forecast until Saturday.

I heard the southbound train at about 12 midnight. In fact it woke me just enough to go back to sleep. I anticipate that the northbound run will be happening shortly, since they generally keep to a three to four hour window in their schedule from point A to point B, and back again.

Wednesday found our neighbor borrowing our lawnmower as hers wouldn't start. Ours always does, because it runs on muscle power, not petroleum. I guess you could say that it has a one HP engines, with the H standing for human. Once our neighbor was done, I mowed the back forty of the palatial estate. Then since we got up late, Mary made lunch for consumption on our deck. Her usually fine sauerkraut and Swiss cheese sandwiches with a side of Coleslaw were delicious.

Our next task was to clear the mud room and prepare the floor and walls for the installation of the indoor/outdoor carpet that we would soon pick up at the big-box hardware store. Since we were going to be on the other side of the highway, we stopped in to get a fresh supply of food for Sugar at her vet's office, and then off to the big-box store. The carpet was cut to Mary's specifications by a wonderful person at the store and it fits exactly as Mary envisioned. Plus, it was only $20.00, less that Mary had seen the not exact fit area rug at the big-box everything store. What's not to like?

In sports, the boys in blue lost their sixth in a row, 1 - 4. Not that they were going gangbusters, but since the recent trade of two fifths of their starting pitching staff, things have not gotten better. My beloved Red Sox eked out a win over that other team from Chicago, 5 - 4. Every roll or streak starts at one. The Tigers summarily dismissed the Dodgers once again, 4 - 1. The Caps sadly lost, 3 - 4 to the Bowling Green Hot Rods.

Today is the third in my series of five injections for my knees. I also have another P/T appointment. I am doing my exercises, so I know that things will get better. Other than that, we have nothing on tap for the day. I will get to my reading and playing with the girls. It is just a matter of time. Plus, once my knees ave been treated, I have to take it easy for a couple of days. Ergo, time to read and play. Mary has books to finish as do I. We picked up some additional books at the library yesterday. I got fiction and non-fiction, Mary got non-fiction I believe. Some of the books were free in the Cheap Stacks used book store in the library. We had coupons for free books to use from recycling some old computer items a few weeks ago.

Otherwise, that's about enough for one day. The sun will set at 9:28 p.m. and so will I, Ciao.

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