Thursday, July 24, 2014

Good morning, good evening, wherever you may be in the area of "The City." It is just past 3:00 a.m. and the current temperature is 59° as we head down to our overnight low of 54° before the rising of the sun at 6:22 a.m. brings another sunny day. By the time the sun sets at 9:14 p.m., the day will have begun to change as the waxing crescent moon shines less and less light on our fair city. The 20% chance of showers on Friday is a slight change from the previous forecast of 40%, which now shows the Saturday chance of T-storms at 70%. That's why I rely on Sugar the Weather Dog, the Weather Roof, and of course that old faithful, the Weather Window.

Today as previously mentioned, I have those two appointments at the hospital. Turns out that they are back to back at 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. I am happy to report that the therapy is working, and my baking yak is feeling better. So I think I should be down to one visit per week. I guess that my therapist will assess future needs today. My baking yak is certainly thankful in any event.

The software for our GPS needs to be updated  for the Eastern maps for 2015. Now if we were just in 2015, it would be important. At any rate, I need to bring the GPS in from the car to get that to happen in the not too distant future.

In sports the boys in blue were defeated by the Padres 3 - 8 as the boys "rookie" pitcher, a 33 year old from Japan, fell apart in his second Major League™ start. My beloved Red Sox have once again succumbed to that dreaded malaise known as mediocrity, as they fell to the Blue Jays, 4 - 6. The Tigers had a big 7 - 0 lead when I tuned in, and they extended it as they defeated the D'Backs, 11 - 5. The Caps fell to the Clinton, IA Lumber Kings 2 - 4, as they continued their their swing through the cornfields of the American Midwest. I guess for the Caps, these are not "Fields of Dreams."

Yesterday, we found our way to the farmer's market and got some blueberries, eggs, and tomatoes. We tried twice to go to the local cable office to resolve the need for an additional cable box, to allow our downstairs TV to receive signals. However, the two times we stopped there, the line of customers was out the door. So maybe when I go to the hospital today, I can stop once again. We figured out quickly, like ourselves, that most people tried to ignore the need for an additional box. One more improvement by the cable provider that makes our lives "better."

I completed my vegetable harvest yesterday. Many green beans, a goodly amount of kale, and our cucumbers are growing bigger and will soon need to be picked. What's not to like? Mary says that the preparation of the kale can be done without making it into soup. I'll wait and see, as my choice is always soup.

Somehow, Mary thought yesterday was Thursday. We dropped off some donations at the Goodwill Industries™ thrift store and then motored on to Sugar's camp for her pickup. She was freshly groomed and we were all glad to see each other. Mary and I went to the mall to get some spray to fix her radio and then off to the big-box everything store for some groceries, and sundries. If the store just had a few more services in its offerings, it would be a one stop shop.

While the produce they offer is locally grown when possible, and very much less than the local farmer's market offerings, we believe that we should support the local producers without the downward price pressure of a big-box store in the transactions. In order to get blueberries that cost $5.00  per pint at the farmer's market to be three for $5.00 at the big-box store, somebody's getting shortchanged.

Speaking of Sugar, once we were home for good yesterday, she and I spent some time in the "Bone Zone." Sugar chewed happily, I fixed Mary's radio, and I also read more of my book. I also listened to the oldies NPR station out of GR. Once again, what's not to like?

Since I have a chance to include some pictures from our weekend activities, I'll add some now. Ciao.

Just because it was cool, a Lamborghini.

A nice example of a 1965 Chevy Corvair Corsa.

These are the Ford Mustangs as they filled their regular corral and needed to go into an overflow area.

Just past the tree, you can see my favorite Ford Mustang as it toured the track.

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