Thursday, July 17, 2014

Good morning GH. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "The City." Currently our temperature is 56° which is also our overnight low temperature expectation. Tomorrow we anticipate a high of 70° under sunny skies. That's pretty much the same forecast for Friday. As I've often said, what's not to like?

Wednesday found me only having to do part of my anticipated plans. Mary had folded the laundry, so all I had to do was put it away. Collectively we started another load, which with a lot of folding of napkins and all the spare hangers we had in the closet, we were able to finish.

Before Mary, Sugar the Weather Dog and I had journeyed to the farmer's market earlier in the morning, I had watered the gardens of the palatial estate. Since I already had my shoes on from a trip to the man-cave for that repair of Sugar's food bin, Mary suggested that I keep walking to the barbershop upon our return. I was looking shaggy when I arrived. Fortunately, the barber was not busy so I got right in the chair. Home for lunch and a chance to retrieve Sugar's bin along with some other items from the man-cave. When you only visit the man-cave sporadically, you find interesting things there. Now that the laundry machines are on the main level, I don't have a need to go down there very often.

As the afternoon rolled on, Mary served lunch consisting of some lettuce and the egg salad she had made earlier from the eggs we got at the farmer's market. She didn't think that it had enough mustard, but to me it was fine. Since I am rather new to eating egg salad, most all egg salad is fine with me.

We had some American flags to drop off at the Post, so since it was after 3:00 p.m., we set out on foot. No real news there, but good conversation. A short stop at our favorite watering hole and then home to watch some TV, which quickly led to time for me to go to bed.

Today I'll check on the gardens and then do some reading. I was going to do some house cleaning, but it can wait. I have to go to P/T at 11:30 this morning. I think I'll ride my bike if my baking yak feels up to it. If not, I'll drive. It all depends on how well the exercises work today. I am having good days and bad days. Is it normal? I don't know, but to use an old phrase, "It is what it is."

I hear the southbound train whistle. Sounds like that horn happy engineer is back at the throttles. They are late this morning. The regular pair of locomotives towing an eclectic mix of box cars, covered hopper cars, and a mix of black and white tank cars.

In sports, the only news is that the Caps defeated the Peoria, IL chiefs, 4 - 2. All of my big league teams were off for the All-Star break.

That's enough for one day. The sun will rise at 6:18 a.m. and set at 9:21 p.m. Since I have finished my man-cave work, I can rest and relax. Once you put off til tomorrow what you can put off til tomorrow, a whole new path opens before you. Ciao.

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