Monday, January 20, 2014

Good evening GH. I am writing this at about 7:20 PM as the train that was blocking our street is backing up. What is unusual about that you ask? First, this train was coming through at a very odd time. 7:15 - 7:25 PM. Second, it was a long series of covered hopper cars being towed by a single EMD GP8. That locomotive was painted in the old style livery that belonged to one of one of the railroads that the current operator gobbled up in the recent past. Third, it stopped and then began to back up northward to clear the intersections on two or three streets. I think there were several box cars that I didn't see, but they are now headed north with the rest of the train. We just don't see trains at this hour very often. I guess I'll wait until later to see if it returns.

Meanwhile, I might as well continue my blog since I am here. Our current temperature at 7:30 PM is 20° as we head down to our low for the night of 6°. Tomorrow, our high is not supposed to exceed 12°. Light snow is being predicted. Nothing new there. My upstairs weather station located here in the Weather Center of the palatial estate affords me a great view and access to the latest in digital instrumentation. Our indoor temperature is 68° and the skies are clear. Sugar the Weather Dog is here to help and she is not making any predictions at this time. \

Oh oh, I hear the train a comin' once again. I wonder how long it will take to pass through? Same EMD GP8 towing the same contingent of covered hopper cars followed by about eight box cars that I can now see. It took about five minutes to actually complete the passage. I have to think that the train had to reverse course because something had its path blocked. That, or the train crew didn't know what they were doing given the time of the run. In either case, confidence was not engendered in the hearts of mortal man.

Today I finished the laundry, vacuumed the upstairs and downstairs, left-handed, and then played my guitar for a few tunes. Still painful, but I enjoyed myself. I also managed to get in two complete sessions of homework exercises. Plus, I found time to do some highlighting for Mary. Since the housekeeper we had coming over is indisposed for an indefinite time due to some very important personal matters, I'll have to resume my regular duties. It will just take me longer.

Mary tells me that my next editing assignment will happen tomorrow, about 32 pages of spelling and grammar checking. I can do that. What I have been highlighting is probably the most boring thing I have ever done. Many names and minutiae with no learning taking place on my part. In short, too much reading with no reward of knowledge.

Tuesday promises to be a quiet day. Some editing, some guitar playing, and some trying out of music I have transcribed for my use. I have several versions of the same song to see which one I like, at least chord-wise. Nowhere to go and lots of time to get there.

Sunrise tomorrow will be at 8:10 AM and sunset at 5:43 PM. Tea time will happen shortly after the sunrise. Then I put on my editor's hat and get to work. Ciao.

Does anyone remember that 7:20 PM train? Guess what, it's back. This time, it is headed north. Same single EMD GP8, and then a very long line of cars. So what you ask? Well, just a few covered hopper cars, then a large number of those dreaded black tank cars. Followed by more covered hopper cars and then more of those black tank cars surrounding a lone white tank car. Then? More covered hopper cars followed by many more black tank cars and another white tank car. Next, you ask? More covered hopper cars, more black tank cars and one more white tank car.

Is that all? Of course, not. Still more covered hopper cars, more black tank cars and then a single box car with a tiny little tail light where the caboose used to be. I'd like to say "Go figure," but given their track record, I can't.

I have a thought on the missing locomotive. I read something the other day about the dwindling number of locomotives in the original livery on the line. Most of the old liveried locomotives are slowly being taken out of service and given fresh livery. Maybe that's what has happened to one of the regular locomotives.

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