Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Good Morning GH.  As I look out the weather window this morning, I don't get quite the same sense of elation that I got yesterday.  The skies are leaden in color and the wind is blowing at a fair clip.  Also, the temperature on the desktop is showing 37 degrees.  As I was contemplating the view, I was reminded of something that I saw in Bermuda when Mary, Adam, and I visited many years ago.  They have something called a weather rock.  It is a large stone suspended from a tripod made of wood, that they claim is 100 % accurate when used to predict the weather.  Essentially. it works like this.  When you are looking at the rock, if it is wet, it is raining.  If it is cold to the touch, it is cold out.  If it is hot to the touch, then it is hot out.  If it has snow on top, highly unlikely given the climate in Bermuda, then it is both cold and snowing.  If the rock is gently swaying, then it is windy.  If the rock is swinging erratically, an earthquake is occurring.  I guess you could call that 100% accuracy.  Just like my weather window; it is all in the interpretation of your observations.   Given the wind, Sugar and I will likely take an abbreviated walk.  We had plans to go to two possible stores for biscuits, but the distances in these colder temperatures and with the wind blowing make it less likely.  The farm store is about 1.1 miles one-way, the other store, about .6 miles.  Given a choice, I guess I would choose the other store.  But, I doubt if either is in the cards.  Had a great visit to the Y yesterday.  It felt good to get back in the pool.  Adam and Steph departed yesterday AM.  Sorry to see them go, but they will be back soon.  We had a slight mishap with the disposal while they were here, nothing that they did, but with the small hands of Mary and the deft flick of the switch by Steph, it was finally resolved the next day when I anticipated a visit from the plumber and I turned it on.  Out flew a chunk of plastic and the disposer was up and running.  Go figure.  Otherwise, not much is happening, so it is......Tea time.

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