Sunday, August 11, 2019

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 7:00 a.m. in "The City."

The current temperature is 64°. Today and tomorrow, there is precipitation in the forecast. We got rain overnight that will be ending around 8:00 a.m. this morning after the sun rises @ 6:45 a.m. Later, we'll see a high temperature of 79° with the RHI being elevated due to that rain. We are also expecting T-storms late tomorrow night. It figures. I watered yesterday. The sun will set later tonight @ 8:53 p.m.

Good news from the vast gardens of the PE. The tomatoes continue to come in hot and heavy and when I was out with the fur-children yesterday, I saw the beginnings of three or four cucumbers and several zucchini. I should remember that the zucchini are a late summer/early fall crop, while the cucumbers are doing their own thing.

Baseball news yesterday was not good. Every one of my teams lost. Nuff said!

We made a decision to go to Coopersville yesterday with the hope of visiting Off the Tracks, the grocery surplus store there. However, due to the annual Dell Shannon Days Car Show and Festival the store was closed. So, like any good car guy with a camera, I walked the main street of Coopersville and took photos of the many cars on display. Most of the cars were not seen at our annual Coast Guard Festival Cruise-in Car Show, so it was a great day.

We have been wanting to visit the Dell Shannon Days Car Show and Festival for several years, well actually, I have, Mary indulges my car/festival needs, but she also enjoys people watching at the various shows.

At any rate, I took a lot of pix there and along the route to and from Coopersville. Here they are in some sort of chronological and spatial order.

Dell Shannon was a Rock and Roll star in the 1950s and early 1960s.
An old style bridge on MI 104/Cleveland Ave. near Nunica, MI and on the way to Coopersville. I just like the way it looks.
Keeping with my like for industrial/agricultural photos.
Same here.
A very nicely restored 1960s era Rambler convertible made by AMC in Kenosha, WI.
Just a cool looking tank truck.
A Rat Rod tow truck.
A beautifully restored 1959 Ford Sunliner Convertible. Sunliners had many extra parts that made the cars costly to manufacture and maintain.

On our way back, more agricultural opportunities abounded.
Coopersville was one of the stops on the Interurban Railroad the ran between Grand Rapids and Grand Haven in the early part of the 2th century.
Large crowds of people were in attendance at the festival.
As were dogs.
Not to mention tractors and a flea market.
Something about this building fascinates me.

Why not?

Yes, why not?

Also true.

Between Spring Lake and Fruitport, this was a view from the bridge over the Grand River.

Almost home, on the outskirts of Spring Lake.
On the banks of the swollen Grand River as it nears Lake Michigan.
Same here.

The water levels have been very high this year near Harbor Island and they are expected to be high throughout 2020. 
Our Coal Tipple, nearly obscured by the trees.
Otherwise, not much was happening. We had a light lunch that "necessitate" a dinner at Don Luis Mexican Restaurant. I read more of my latest novel, the one recommended by Mary. I am still not sure if I like it, but I'll finish it and find out.

Since we were out, we stopped at the library to pick up some books I had on hold. They are on the shelf in our home library for future readings. Today. I will see if my repainted picture frame needs a second coat. It looked fine at first blush, but I never know.

I seem to be running out of time for all the things that I want to do. I guess that when you are retired, you don't have to adhere to a schedule that necessitates prior planning. Nothing wrong with that. Ciao.

Oh, for those of you who are interested, here is a cut from YouTube™ of Del Shannon performing his most famous tune, Runaway.

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