Sunday, July 12, 2020

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation, and across the world. It is just before11:00 a.m. in "The City."

The sun rose this morning @ 6:16 a.m. and it will set later @ 9:23 p.m. Y

There are a couple of alerts in the weather forecast. But right now, so what, in light of the more serious issues we are facing.

Yesterday, we had a nice lunch of homegrown lettuce topped with vegan dressings alongside a cucumber salad and some vegan cottage tofu that Mary had prepared the night before. Excellent!

Mary has her cottage tofu down cold, pardon the pun!
After lunch, since I didn't have to water, I spent some time at my desk and finished coloring my latest scene from Barbara Carlson's Grand Haven Coloring Book, using my Prismacolor™ pencils. Here it is in a frame on the table in our flower room.

I get better with each effort.
Later, Mary prepared dinner from a recipe that Adam sent to her. He isn't a vegan, but somehow he got this recipe in one of his news feeds, so he forwarded it to her. I'm glad he did because this vegan Gyro Soup was excellent.

With green peppers, onions, garlic, and myriad spices, I couldn't get enough.
However, in spite of my willingness to eat all of anything that is soupy in nature, we have more for another meal.
MMMM Good!

It took me about 10 minutes to complete that home maintenance project yesterday. It works fine.

I finished my latest read last night. It was good, but the ending could have been stronger. Just one reader's opinion.

Today, I have to water, maybe work on some music, and work on the crossword puzzle from the Friday edition of the Grand Haven Tribune. Mary helped with some answers to Thursday's puzzle so we collectively completed that one without any outside assistance.

I may do some spot carpet cleaning too if the mood strikes me, and I may also start another large print novel. So much to do and the day just keeps slipping away. Ciao.

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