Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 3:30 a.m. in "The City."

Where shall I begin, to tell the story...Oops, I was channeling Erich Segal there for a second. It was 1970 that the movie Love Story hit theaters and young men endured the movie because young women wanted to see it. Personally, I wanted to and did see  The Godfather.

But I digressed to avoid the painful truth. My teams went .250 yesterday, as the Cubs, the Tigers and even my beloved Red Sox fell. The only bright stars were the Caps.

Cubs? L to Reds, 5 - 9. Still on top with a N. L. Central record of 52 - 31, but showing chinks in their armor as they limp towards the All Star break. Same teams today @ 2:20 p.m.

Tigers? L to the Indians, 1 - 12. Still in 2nd place in the A. L. Central with a record of 44 - 40, but trying hard to fall further. Not limping, actually using crutches and a walker. They face the Indians again today @ 12:10 pm.

My beloved Red Sox? L to the Rangers 2 - 7. They have fallen to 3rd place with a record of 45 - 38, 7.5 games behind the Indians in the A. L. East. Also using a walker to get around with their limited pitching, Same teams again tonight. Any bright spots? Yes, the Red Sox are one full game ahead of that other team from Chicago.

The Caps? W over the Great Lakes Loons, 15 - 10. They are still in 4th place in the Midwest League East, with a record of 6 - 6, even with the league. Showing signs of coming out of their comas, but still in need of assistance with ambulating. The Caps are @ home tonight against the Loons.

Trainspotting? I only witnessed the southbound run of locomotives 2019 & 2057 as they plied their route on the RSTL. They had in tow, two BCs, six CHCs, and 14 DBTCs of varying ages, that were bringing up the rear. Was there a northbound run? I can't say. "Surely you can't be serious!?"  "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley!" Oops, I was channeling again, a scene from the 1980 movie Airplane! So, I'll just include this link:

I didn't water yesterday, but if the forecast for AM T-storms of 40%  by the NWS comes to fruition, I may not have to water again today, tomorrow, nor Friday. Yeah right. We do have a current temperature of between 72° based on the report from the GR based NWS and my own DTWS, as reported by its FPMS here on the shores of the "Big Lake." We may, or may not, see a high today of 81°, just like those T-storms. No precipitation is visible out the WW @ this time. The T-storm forecast peaks at 11:00 a.m.

The new book arrived on my desk yesterday afternoon, so my plans for today include highlighting and commentary. I always say I won't be writing comments, but I always end up doing so.

I am still struggling to play with the girls and Bo, because my thumb is far from fully recovered.

Otherwise, with Mary off to Holland for knitting today, I am on my own for lunch. Fortunately, I made soup the other day that is calling out from its current perch in the refrigerator, so I should be fine. STWD will be with me as I struggle to survive. She can't have any of the soup, as it is made with onions as one of the ingredients. However, she did make lunch yesterday, that while a departure from the norm, was quite tasty.

I think it may be time for another loaf of my world famous banana nut bread, so STSD can assist in the preparation of that. I have only tow really ripe bananas, so I'll have to improvise.

A morning safari is in order if the T-storms are not in the offing.

That's enough for yesterday and today. The sun will rise into cloudy skies @ 6:12 a.m. and set @ 9:26 p.m. Ciao

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