Thursday, September 25, 2014

Good morning or geed evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "The City." We have a current temperature outside the open Weather Window of 50°, which is as low as it is expected to go today. Later, after the sun rises at 7:33 a.m., the temperature is supposed to rise to a very comfortable 71°, before the sun sets at 7:33 this evening. In other words, it is going to be another beautiful fall day.

In train news, I heard both trains, but I saw neither. Mary tells me that there were numerous CSX covered hopper cars, but I wonder if the locomotives were both painted in the newer livery.

In sports news, the boys in blue are up to their old tricks, as they defeated the Cardinals, 3 - 1 in a late season, meaningless game. The sad part for Cub's fans everywhere, is that the Wrigley Field that we all knew and sometimes hated, will be no more. Starting today, the park will begin to undergo renovations for "Next Year." Jumbotrons™, a new clubhouse, new batting cages, new restrooms. and many new restaurant concepts. I have included a couple of links to artist's renderings of what might be happening.

This first link is from the Cubs.;_ylt=Al3faT8SwKXSCvlZ2i9yfJabvZx4?fr=yfp-t-250-s&toggle=1&fp=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=wrigley%20renovations

This second link is from ESPN. Alas Wrigley Field, we knew ye well.

In daily news from GH, I never did get to that vacuuming. I was just too busy with walking the intrepid weather dog, and my work for my boss. I feel like Dagwood™, who works for his tyrant of a boss, Mr. Dithers. I even have to make my own sandwiches lately. Of course, I did get to harvest the latest bean crop, slice and cook them, and then have them for lunch with a sandwich that I made myself, just the way I like them. I also had to cook the six ears of corn that we had picked up the other day and then take the kernels from the cobs and then bag them for freezing.

When I put the green peppers into a jar the other day after I prepared them, I  was told I did it wrong, they should have been in plastic bags. When I put the corn in plastic bags today, I was told it should have been in a jar. See what I mean about my boss?

Elsewhere, I printed out the latest project. I believe that I walked about 3/4 of a mile going back and forth to the printer to pick up the pages. Over 500 pages later, I finished. I also had to edit something short and then work on a 67 page document. Slave driver.

Today will be more of the same. I don't mind, but if I wanted Mary's vocation I would have been an indexer. I didn't and I don't. Mary loves it, but as for me, I 'd rather be in Colorado, or at least the "Bone Zone."

That looks like enough news for today. Ciao.

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