Monday, April 27, 2020

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just after 1:00 a.m. in "The City."

The current temperature is 43° under clear skies. Winds of 4 mph make it feel more like 41°. Today's high was in the lower 60s, in spite of what the NWS had in their forecast.

Today's forecast calls for a high temperature of only 52ยบ with rain moving in the evening.

The sun will rise today @ 6:43 a.m. and set later @ 8:42 p.m.

We had a marvelous day yesterday. As predicted, I got out all of the grilling supplies and proceeded to inundate myself in smoke as the grill was coming up to temperature. Mary was inside marinating and cutting to prepare all of the veggies that hit the grill later. 

We ate grilled lettuce, nee cabbage, portabello mushrooms that became burgers, with grilled onions, and of course since the grill was fired-up, I made grilled green peppers for the fajitas that we almost had for dinner. 
I haven't lost my touch!
Portabello burger with grilled lettuce.
However, by the time we had ground on STWD's nails, spent time on our collective feet, cleaned up and did some extended reading, Mary had spent too much time on her feet. She decided that it was killing her yak, so instead of fajitas for dinner, she made a  new version of Hamish that required steaming and then baking. Like that was good for her yak! At any rate, I liked it! I cleaned up for her so that she could put her feet up. Fajitas today!

We watched another episode of Outlander over dinner. I find myself liking the program.

We've just spent the last 1 1/2 hours participating in a coloring session conducted by a woman from the San Diego area. We were not alone, because there were people from all over the US, including the east side of MI, and as far away as Israel. We both learned a lot. I did better on some of the things that were being presented, while Mary colored some other things better. If we could just combine our skills, we might be able to make a great whole! We do well now, but what could we do if we were able to meld our talents?

I haven't much more to say. To borrow from the song Hotel California, by The Eagles, "My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night." And so we did.

In fact, I'll just say that we have a grocery order to pick up later today which will include some duplicates. But, when Mary orders, she has to plan three weeks ahead, so you never know what you'll have previously received.

So as I was saying, it is getting late and, "My head grows heavy and my sight grows dim, I have to stop for the night."Ciao.

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