Saturday, April 11, 2020

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just after 3:00 a.m. in "The City."

The current temperature is 33° under clear-skies, with winds of only three mph that make it feel more like 30°. Today's high-temperature is forecast to reach 51°. That's a full 16° warmer than Friday's high temperature! Sunday's forecast calls for 58°, albeit with a 60% chance for rain showers that won't begin until late tonight, I think. Once my degree in meteorology arrives in the mailbox, I'll know more. We are not expected to rebound into the lower 50s and stay there until April 22!

However, there is no longer a  Lakeshore Flood Advisory, and there are no Gale Warnings nor Watches in the forecast at this time, not even a Small Craft Advisory.

Mary was willing to send me pix of her finished and unfinished coloring yesterday. I"ll include those pix here for your perusal.

She really likes this fully complete pic of the Tree of Life. It nicely showcases her evolving talents. If you look closely, she has developed her own style of signature in the lower right-hand corner.
She is still working on her leprechauns. I think she has eclipsed my efforts, but she has switched over to a flower drawing for the time being.
I spent the afternoon in my studio, playing with the girls after I wrote more pages in my manuscript. I am up to 130 pages in my ever-changing story. Who knows, if this Covid-19 mandated and very wise self-isolation order is ever lifted, permanently, I may get it published. Or, as I suggested to Mary, some day archaeologists may discover my efforts and base a whole new world view on my ramblings. Anything is possible at this time.

Speaking of that isolation order, we are doing our very best to stay safe and away from other human beings. Good thing we have our fur-children for company. I'm not sure Ginger would agree, as she has become the test-subject for our adventures in dog grooming. She seems to look better with each attempt, but without a basis for comparison, who can really tell?

Oh, we re washing our hands constantly too. Thus, I am developing dishpan hands that need a constant supply of lotion. For those of you of a certain age, I went to YouTube™ and found this TV ad from 1981 for Palmolive™ dish-washing liquid. However, we use another famous brand here at the manse.

Otherwise, not much new is happening. Most days, I'm still getting up early in the morning to write my blog, play with the girls, and write more in my manuscript. Mary is coloring more, along with her vigil at the Fast Lane™ website trying to order groceries and things from the grocery store and otherwise trying to keep us healthy.

She also has her orders from that big-box e-tailer sorted by when they can be opened as she keeps track of those aforementioned grocery orders in what I believe at this time we are calling the garage-pantry. She is good at it, as she is with most activities requiring shape-sorting and organization, but I know it is wearing her down, a lot!

Meanwhile, our illustrious POTUS blithely drones on each day about all that has been accomplished by his administration during these trying times. To use one of those now famous sayings, Yada, Yada, Yada. If you believe the POTUS, I have a bridge for sale too.

In a side note, local gasoline prices continue in free-fall. Here in GH Township, the lowest price is $1.23/gallon! Now if only there was someplace to go.

Today, more of the same and that's about it. Ciao.

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