Friday, November 2, 2018

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "The City."

I just finished a Chat Session with the people @ Samsung™ regarding my Galaxy Tablet. I am totally pleased. My concern was addressed and solved very expeditiously. I'd give them an 11 out of 10, if that were possible.

I found another quarter for my collection yesterday while on walkabout with STWD, a 2017 George Rogers National Park "D." I am doing well with that collection, but not so well with my nickels. I am going to order a few of those to complete my collection. I know, that's the easy way out, but sometimes that's the way the coins roll, so to speak. Yes, pun intended.

We have a current temperature of 41° as drop to our overnight low of 38°. That's according to the forecast from the NWS. Later today, after the sun rises @ 8:26 a.m. and before it sets @ 6:35 p.m., the day will remain mostly cloudy, as it is now. The only meaningful chance of rain is still Sunday @ 90%.

We walked with the fur-children to their doctor's appointment yesterday and both of them were pronounced healthy and good to go. In fact, the veterinarian said that STWD was doing well, considering that she is a Corgi mix with short legs and a long back. We'll take it. So, multiple hundreds of dollars later, we were on our way home.

Speaking of STWD, we still have not resolved that fence issue. Maybe today, as she got wrapped around the roses again last night. Hmmm, is there a variation on a nursery rhyme in that statement?

Ginger, as usual, always goes out and comes right back to be with Mary. She is a real homebody who likes to be with her humans, especially Mary. In fact, here is picture of Ginger in Mary's lap from last night. Ginger was, "Just Resting.".

I finally got to the man-cave yesterday and took the old, non-working lights off of the bottom-half of our Christmas tree. That took me the better part of 45 minutes. I think it is time to get a new tree, as I don't want to reverse the above procedure. If we are going to get a new tree, we have to do that soon, because the style of tree that we like might be out of stock at the various big-box stores and home-centers. I'd wait to see if they would be on sale after the holidays, but then we'd be without a tree this year and there is no guarantee that the tree style that we like would still be available. Actually, as we have added more personalized ornaments over the years, our small tree is just that, small, and lacking in room for more ornaments.

Otherwise, Mary made a dinner of spaghetti and my vegan Italian meatballs for dinner. I liked it. She thought she may have added too much garlic, but like Adam, I don't think that's possible.

I finished my non-fiction book for our history book-club meeting next week. I now have a firmer understanding of why President Reagan was able to fire all of the air traffic controllers who were part of PATCO, but not able to fire all of the postal workers who were also government employees, also subject to the non-strike previsions of federal law.

In my estimation, it was not complicated. It was not about the larger number of postal workers, but the fact that people know their postal workers whom they meet/see everyday, while most people have no contact with air traffic controllers. Truth be told, to most people, air-traffic controllers are anonymous voices that only pilots speak to. It made then an easy target.

Mary walked downtown yesterday, solo, to get some bread. She was there and back before I could have gotten my shoes on. When we walked to the veterinarian, she and Ginger were going so fast that with STWD pulling to catch up to her little-sister, I was winded. I guess that I'm not as young as I used to be.

Today, we have to go to the library to pick up some books and also to get some exercise for the fur-children and ourselves. STWD and I will walk slower, but we'll get there. Ciao.

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