Monday, September 16, 2013

Good morning GH. It is just nearly 3:00 AM in "The City" and the current temperature is 54 cloudy degrees. We are anticipating a sunny high of 67 with no precipitation until Wednesday and Thursday as a front moves through. By Thursday, those showers will be accompanied by a high of 80.

Speaking of the weather, we had a fair amount of rain on Sunday, but nothing like those poor folks in Colorado. While they are getting flooded, the NFL game in Tampa Bay, FL had to be stopped due to lightning and the game in Seattle had to be stopped due to rain driving the players and fans off the field. Additionally, the NASCAR race in Chicago had to be delayed for six hours due to rain. The sports events are not terribly important when compared to the lives lost and threatened in Colorado and other places.

Here in our little corner of the world, a bit of rain and the chance that it will snow in the winter time seem tame and normal by comparison. No earthquakes, no fifteen feet of snow, no real temperature extremes, unless you count the early spring that we had in 2012 that devastated the crops around here. In short, there's really not, a more congenial spot, for happy-ever-aftering, than here in GH. My thanks/apologies to the folks who wrote the original version of the lyrics for the song

Yesterday, we motored back from Muskegon and stopped downtown for a loaf of bread. It rained and I didn't have to walk Sugar the Weather Dog because she was at camp until 4:00 PM. Then we brought her home and went out. I'd never seen her do a double take before, but as she passed her food bowl on the way to the dining room, her nose caught the smell of food in the bowl and she had to do a quick reversal.  Not much of a day for me, but when I added in a little cross wording, music, and reading, that filled my time.

Today, more walks with Sugar the Weather Dog, some dusting, some reading, some additional music and some editing, not necessarily in that order. No watering required, just like batteries. Mary will finish her current job, I'll edit and submit for her perusal and possible updates, and then that should be it for the day. Whew, that was hard work just writing all that.

In sports, the boys in blue once again fell to the Pirates, this time by a score of 2 - 3. The Tigers edged the Royals 3 - 2. My beloved Red Sox  handily dispatched the Yankees 9 - 2. They are on a tear. A quick football update. Bears 31 - 30 over Minnesota. The Lions, fell to the Cardinals, 21 - 25.

That's enough for now. Soon, it will be...Tea time and time for the morning walk. Ciao.

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