Friday, September 20, 2013

Good early morning GH. I fell asleep watching a movie last night, so when I awoke, I knew it was time for bed. But as you can tell, that didn't last all that long. It is now just past 2:30 AM. Our current temperature is 71 degrees as we approach a high of 75. When I got up, Sugar the Weather Dog was in her hide-e-hole, AKA the upstairs bathroom, so I knew that the predicted storms would soon be here.

Speaking of Sugar the Weather Dog, due to the T-storms we had early yesterday, I had a hard time getting her out for her morning constitutional. She did show up in the kitchen before noon yesterday, but when I said "let's go for a walk," she hightailed it back upstairs. I think it was about 1:00 PM before she had to give in and we took a quick walk to the bookstore for a copy of the newspaper.

Yesterday was interesting. I did a good job blanching our 1/2 bushel of tomatoes. When I was done, I had this bowl of tomato skins and I thought that it would be wasteful to just toss them. So Mary went to the trusty internet and found a way to turn them into tomato sauce. With a little assistance from our blender, the sauce turned out great. Now Mary thinks that she can do it with whole tomatoes. We'll find out I guess.

I ended up with six quarts of tomatoes from that 1/2 bushel. Mary and I decided that we don't get enough sun here on the palatial estate for many crops, like tomatoes, so next growing season we plan to stick with crops that require less sunlight. Most of the cold weather crops like kale and Swiss Chard grow just fine with limited sunlight, so that looks like the way to go. The other crop that grows well is horseradish. I think that stuff is like a weed, but I like it. We did okay with cauliflower and celery too, so maybe those are possibles. Lettuce and cabbage grow well too. I think there is a theme here. Low sun, cool temperatures, etc.

Today, I have to read some, and play some, and just generally have a good time some. Thanks to Robert Fulghum for the thematic way I was able to string those thoughts together.

In sports, the boys in blue were able to finally beat the Brewers. Final score, 5 - 1. If my math is right, they won't lose 100 games this year. When you are a Cubs fan you have to go with what they give you to work with. The Tigers just got past the Mariners, 5 - 4. I think it was that tortilla chip that Prince got from that fan in the right field stands, because his sprint and his slide into home was a beautiful thing to behold. My beloved Red Sox beat the Orioles to clinch a playoff berth. Unfortunately, they are in the American League, so I have to divide my loyalties between the Tigers and the Sox. Oh well, that's better than having no horse in the race.

So that's about it for now. Time to go back to bed and time to do as little as possible today. I guess that just leaves..Tea time. Ciao.

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