Sunday, September 22, 2013

Good early morning GH. It is just past 6:00 AM here in "The City" and I originally got up to do this blog, but got side tracked by some highlighting. But I digress. It is currently 52 degrees under what are supposed to be cloudy skies. However since it is too dark to see, I'll have to accept that. We don't anticipate any precipitation until at least next Saturday. Sugar the Weather Dog will like that.

On Saturday, Mary and I got up early for that appointment in GR. Sugar needed to get up too, since she needed her morning constitutional. It was still dark out when we hit the mean streets. I stayed where it was light due to the conditions here in GH. Read that uneven sidewalks. Fortunately I didn't trip on anything and we made it back safely. Then Mary and I were off to GR.

Of course, the clouds to the East were pretty with the rising Sun behind them, at least until the Sun came over the top and we were "Blinded by the light." My apologies to Manfred Mann and the Earth Band. We made it safely, had to find a place to park and then check-in. Then we had to wait, and wait, and wait. The actual test took about 30 minutes. This was an unscheduled test to see what might be behind my recent spate of headaches. I am hoping for the best. Then home, with a stop at a local restaurant on the highway for a salad bar lunch.

Next came the Irish Jam and that too was a success. I am amazed that children as young as five or six can outplay me on the whistle. I think that's because they don't have any other distractions. Or, it could just be innate talent. In either case, I'll get better just as they did. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.

While I jammed, Mary did the laundry, so that was all good as far as I was concerned. I still have to fold some of it today, but that's easy. After that, Mary and I went walk-about and viewed some of the artworks on display for our annual Artwalk. Mary can tell you more about that. We stopped in for a little sports viewing at our favorite watering hole and then home.

Today, not much on tap. I have to finish that highlighting, and then play some music and watch a little sports on TV. We overheard the manager at our watering hole discussing staff scheduling for the anticipated crowds that will possibly be generated by the Tigers and the Lions game this afternoon. I have no great desire to go out and so I hope to stay right here.

Speaking of sports, sorry Howard, the MSU Spartans fell to Notre Dame 13 - 17. The Wolverines of Michigan topped UConn 24 - 21. The boys in blue topped the Braves 3 - 1, and have a solid hold on last place. The Tigers slipped past that other team from Chicago, 7 - 6. Still not officially in the playoffs though. My beloved Red Sox were nipped by the Blue Jays, 2 - 4. Their quest for home-field advantage is still on hold.

So that's about it. I hope that Barb is feeling better soon. I can empathize with her current predicament, as I can relate to not being able to walk without assistance. It took me a long time to overcome my own set of infirmities. Here's hoping that she can do the same. Ciao.

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