Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "The City."

A current temperature of 59° will drop down to our overnight low of 55° under cloudy skies. Earlier, yesterday evening, when Mary let the fur-children out, there was a "Beautiful full moon." Today's high is forecast to reach 64° under partly-cloudy skies once the sun rises @ 6:05 a.m. and well before it sets @ 9:27 p.m.

Yesterday I took my inaugural bike ride in preparation for my trip to an appointment at the orthopedist later today. Yesterday's ride was nearly one-mile, but my round trip later today will be nearer to two miles. Meanwhile, back at the manse, the downstairs's carpets will get a visit from the carpet cleaning people, Ginger will be getting groomed and boarded, and Mary will be staying out of the way.

Otherwise, yesterday was mostly uneventful. I made another batch of my soon to be famous vegan Italian meatballs, which our resident expert on all things Italian, food wise at least, pronounced very good. We had some for our lunch, and I am inclined to agree.

John, our resident Italian food expert and handyman, was here to do some paint touch-ups, caulk the bathtub, install a light-switch, install my Cubs' whirligig on the garage, install my room air conditioner, and adjust the latch on the front storm door. Just reading my description makes me tired.

Mary went to the grocery store while I read my novel.

As the day wore down, we walked to JWs, for some adult libations.

The only baseball team in action yesterday, my beloved Red Sox, used seven strong innings of pitching by starter Rick Porcello and his 8 Ks, to defeat the Twins, 2 - 0. The Sox and the Twins go again tonight @ 8:10 p.m.

All my other teams had the day off, but the Cubs welcome that other team from Chicago to the "Friendly Confines" @ 8:05 p.m.EDT this evening.

The Tigers are in Pittsburgh tonight @ 7:05 p.m. to face the Pirates.

The Caps are in Ohio to play the Captains @ 7:00 p.m.

I think today looks very busy, so I hope that all goes according to plan. Ciao,.

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