Saturday, June 15, 2013

Good morning GH. Wow, it is a very comfortable 74 degrees here in the Weather Center. Outside, the temperature is a bit cooler @ 57. The Weather Channel radar is showing the possibility of some T-storms today with a chance of 30%. If that happens, and I stress if, I won't have to water the gardens. Like I always say, we'll see.

In general news, I finished helping Mary with her work and then got outdoors to do some yard work on the palatial estate. Last year's extended drought didn't help the lawns one bit. They are still in recovery mode at this time. However, I have them looking as good as I can.

In addition, the tomatoes are finally producing some fruit. Not a huge amount, but some is better than none. Mostly it has been a lack of warm weather. Our potato patch is looking great. We've never grown this variety, and the plants are going gangbusters. The Swiss Chard, the Kale, and the carrots are looking good too. However, the cucumbers are not faring all that well. Too little sun, too much sun, I'm not sure. The pepper patch is a mixed bag. One variety is doing well, while the other, not so much. Maybe that sun thing again. The spinach is going well, but the leaf lettuce keeps getting too much water from the rain. I have to give kudos to the celery and cabbage, as they are doing fine. We also have some Brussel sprouts planted too and they also look fine.

I got a surprise in the garden. I had dug up the horseradish from its usual place last fall and replanted it. This year, I've noticed that it is sprouting in a new home of its choosing. This bodes well for Adam as he wanted some for his garden and I should be able to supply it. One thing about horseradish is that it is a low maintenance plant that requires very little human intervention. More like a weed or invasive, that if left alone will take over the garden.

I have some things to attend to today. Wait, a train is about to go by at 2:30 in the AM, an off time for this route. The usual train, twin locomotives and a few box cars and the requisite loud horn. Otherwise, it is once again time for the Irish Jam session at the library and that is always fun. I have heard that we will be having a guest Bodhran player this time. Other than that, not much on the agenda. I have some books to pick up and a copy to make while at the library. It seems like I don't get any books and then I have an overabundance.

In sports, the boys in blue topped the Mets 6 - 3. The Tigers shut out the Twins behind Rick Porcello, 4 - 0. My beloved Red Sox fell 0 - 2 to the Orioles. However, good news, the Tigers and the Red Sox still have a lead in their respective divisions, while the boys in blue are thankful that there is a team in Milwaukee to look down on. The Caps were triumphant 2 - 1. Blackhawks tonight.

To borrow from the Warner Brothers cartoons, "That's all folks." Ciao.

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