Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good morning GH. Wow, I got up just in time to see something that you don't often see here in GH, a long freight train drawn by two locomotives.  I have seen as few as two locomotives and as few as two and one car, but by most measures, this was a long train.   But I digress.  I am planning on going back to bed soon, but I wanted to add to my list of timely blogs.  Currently the temperature on the desktop is 43 degrees.  For late November here in MI, that is quite warm at this hour.  We are expecting highs in the lower fifties this weekend.  Not quite like Thanksgiving, but still very nice.  I am certain that Sugar the Weather Dog would concur.  In my office, the digital display is showing 68 degrees, and my personal Weather Station located in the Weather Window, is showing just over 40.  As I mentioned previously, the view out the Weather Window is dark with a side of train.  I finished a good book last night, it was called An Invisible Thread, by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski.  This book was a library discussion book earlier this month and was recommended by the librarian in one of our correspondences.  A short read, and a great true story.  Based on Laura's memories of finding a young man panhandling in the streets of New York, it tears at your heartstrings and gives you hope for a better future.  The story follows him from age 11 to adulthood, and through many periods in both his life and that of Laura.  I recommend it if you want to feel up and down and better all around.  I had an interesting day in the kitchen yesterday.  I actually made three things, four jars of baked winter squash, , two varieties, which I stored in the freezer, four loaves of banana nut bread and some red salsa.  Two required chopping and like the book, the salsa produced some tears.  I started with the squash, after I had mentioned that one of the stored ones was going south, and then when I was done with that, Mary said, "Well, why don't you make banana bread, while the oven is warm?"  Mary supplied me with an easy to follow recipe, and the rest just came with being in the kitchen.  Man, it gets hot in there when the oven runs for several hours straight.  I have included a picture below of the banana bread.  I didn't take a picture of the salsa, it was just salsa after all, and no pictures of the squash either.  The banana bread was my first effort at baking from scratch, and I think, after my first taste, that it turned out great.  Mary will give it her rating at breakfast later this AM.  When left to my own devices, and prodded by Mary, I can accomplish modest things.  However, I am more than happy to relinquish my kitchen duties to Mary.  So, until it is...Tea time, that's all for now.  Ciao.

Here they are!

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