Sunday, November 18, 2012

Good early morning GH.  Well, It is now about 4:30 AM, and rather than lay there and toss and turn, I decided to get up and write something.  Of course the view out the Weather Window is, dark.  Of course, Sugar the Weather Dog is sound asleep, and of course, Mary is also sound asleep.  I wish I slept that soundly, but alas, I am in my sixty-second year of life, and I never have.  So, it is not a habit that I'm likely to start soon.  Currently the temperature on the desktop is a brisk .55 degrees Celsius, but what do you expect for the 18th day of November?  According to the folks at, we can expect a high in the upper 50s or lower 60s by Thanksgiving Day,  Mary and I were just talking about walking in the Wisconsin Dells on a Thanksgiving Day a few years ago, when we went there with Adam and a friend of his. I don't remember how many years, but it was a few.  So, is this climate change, or something else?  I think it is, but then I'll take this on Thanksgiving.  However, if it means we have droughts and way too hot summers, than I'll give up the warm turkey days.  Alas, I doubt that I get a choice or a say, so it is up to the people in charge to make some changes in how we save energy, and then how we produce it.  I should make note that each person or family can and should reduce their energy consumption/carbon footprint, which would help.  Mary and I are doing what we can, by using energy efficient appliances, bulbs, and a set back thermostat, as well as walking to as many places as we can,  Just one man's opinion.  Otherwise, I am going back to to bed soon.  Adam and Steph are off to the east coast for Thanksgiving, and if the weather turns out like the weather folks say, they should have a great time.  So, until it is time for UP with Chris Hayes, and until I am ready for more highlighting for Mary, I'll try to get more sleep.  Oh, in honor of the Grand Prix race today, Mary is trying a new chili recipe, as that is as close as we could get to something that would celebrate both the European roots of Grand Prix racing, and the fact that this race will be taking place in our own American Southwest.  So, until it is...Tea time, I"ll just close with both and Adios and an Adieu.

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