Monday, January 23, 2012

Remember yesterday when I said that Mary shouldn't leave me alone with the radio program?  Well, last night, she didn't exactly leave me alone.  Instead, I got tired and went to bed before the end of the game between New York and San Francisco.  So, I had the radio station that she likes on for awhile, but I had to turn it off, because of the right wing.  I swear, if the guy being interviewed had been any farther to the right, he couldn't have driven on a road course, because he lacked the ability to turn left, even a little bit.  He was bashing public schools, instead touting home schooling as the best alternative.  He was bashing teachers and their unions for not doing a good job with children, never once mentioning how he got an education.   He was also lambasting the federal student loan program as the major cause of the price hikes in college tuition.  As an example, he described the grades that his daughter was now achieving at one of the prestigious Ivy League schools with a tuition north of $30,000 per year.  He says that if it weren't for student aid, this school would cost something like $20,000 to $25,000 while a conventional public university would cost maybe $10,000.  If all schools are equal, then how does he account for the disparity in the amounts?  Plus, why was his daughter matriculating at that particular school?  In addition, he is overlooking the most basic point of economics as demonstrated by the price of any service or product.  That price is not dictated by having a surplus of product available, it is determined by the scarcity of product or service, meaning more product or service, lower price and vice versa. Thus, the Ivy League school gets to charge more because people want to go there, not because it is necessarily better.  The university both created the mystique and benefited from it.  In this case, both his perception and that of the general public was skewed.   I know someone who went to one of the finest finance programs in the country, and it wasn't at an Ivy League school.  Last time I checked, he was doing fine.   Also, since I am on a roll, it would be nice if we all had the time to home school our children, but we don't.   I heard that one of the GOP candidates home schooled all of his children.  God bless him, but some of us were earning a living and couldn't take time off to stay home with the children 24/7.  Oh well, I've probably ranted enough for one blog session.  Much to do today and as I've said before, I never knew what made my mother in law so busy, now I know.

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