Monday, February 20, 2023

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 3:30 p.m. on a mostly cloudy afternoon here in GH. Our current temperature is a very comfortable 40°, although it feels more like 36°, with a slight wind out of the southwest @ five mph. Our overnight low tonight has been forecast by the NWS to fall to 29°.

The NWS has issued a Small Craft Advisory in effect until 1:00 a.m. tomorrow, from St, Joseph to Manistee, with wind speeds from 10 to 20 knots and gusts possible to 25 knots, causing waves to build to as much as five feet in height.

However, that Small Craft Advisory will be superseded by yet another Gale Warning, from 1:00 a.m. tomorrow until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, with winds from 20 to 30 knots and gusts possible to 40 knots, propelling waves up to 11 feet!

The sun will set today @ 6:22 p.m.

We got out to take some pix over the last few days. Mary has been generous in driving, while I have been in my role as the Senior Staff Photographer for my Jax Meanderings Blog. I posted many in yesterday's blog, but without any real order, here are some additional photos that I like.

Another shot of the sunset over the parking lot as the south pier. 

The outer lighthouse as the sun was setting.

It seemed like everyone had the same idea, let's go down to the pier for the sunset.

Once a proud union town, this is one of the last vestiges of that heritage in Muskegon.

In Coopersville, the Coopersville & Marne is closed until spring. 

But this Pullman railcar will be ready to go when the railroad reopens.

But will these locomotives and the caboose will be ready?

Somehow, I doubt it. 

Sadly, Coopersville is yet another small town that time has passed by. All they have now are two pizza places, a couple of restaurants, one outside of the downtown area, and a few small shops. Once per year, Coopersville plays host to an annual Car Show and celebration, loosely based on onetime resident, the late Rock and Roll star, Del Shannon. 

GH has remained vital due to GH State Park and its associated campground, the south pier, the lighthouses, the beaches, and the foresight of several iterations of our city council over the years. Plus, we have our annual Coast Guard Festival and Craft Show, a terrific Fourth of July Fireworks display, and numerous other attractions, such as Salmon Fest, Hispanic Heritage Fest, Jeep Fest, and art shows. 

I finished my last book late yesterday and I am soon to start another. I have returned to my easel and that is another plus to alleviate my winter doldrums. In fact, I have been painting this afternoon, while Mary has been downstairs ear-reading, cross-stitching, and enjoying some time with Ginger, who always wants to go wherever we are going. 

Tomorrow, we have nothing specific on the agenda. We have to finish that ear-read by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as it has to go back into the ether soon. But that's what makes retirement so great. I recently read a novel in which the main character said, "The only problem with doing nothing is, is that you don't know when you are done." I must agree. But one thing is for sure, I'll blog at you soon. Ciao. 

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