Monday, January 29, 2018

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 9:00 p.m. in "The City."

Today was a good day. I got my few remaining hairs trimmed, more on my beard than the top of my head, but all in all, I look great. I then walked to The Bookman and picked up today's edition of the Grand Haven Tribune, which I proceeded to read to Mary in the kitchen directly before she placed her latest vegan creation of pasta and black bean, well actually small red beans, burgers into the oven. By the by, the results were excellent and I pronounce them a keeper.

She had been hard at work on those while I was out and as she often says, the kitchen looked as though she had made macaroni and cheese. I then repaired to my La-Z-Boy and completed the daily crossword puzzle and read more in the book we are reading for our book club, All Quiet on the Western Front. I finished that book earlier this evening. Somewhere in there, I took the fur-children out for their morning constitutional and then I proceeded to do as little as possible.

Dinner earlier tonight was a homemade pizza consisting of Mary's soon to be famous crust, modified pizza sauce ala John, and Hammish with pineapple and vegan cheese. The result was also excellent. I have included a picture that Mary took of the pizza, partially eaten.

No real need for a caption, it tasted as good as it looks.

Otherwise, not much is happening here in our little corner of the world. We have a current temperature of 23° according to my DTWS and the NWS is predicting a high tomorrow of only 29° before we move all the way up to 41° on Wednesday. We then slide back into the 20s for a few more days and according to the local meteorologists, the temperature will be bouncing all over the place for the foreseeable future. We did get some light snow here today. The sun will rise tomorrow @ 8:01 a.m. and set later @ 5:55 p.m. Ciao

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