Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 12:30 a.m. in "The City."

What is it that they say about it not being over until it's over? Well, it is over for the Orioles, as they lost to the Blue Jays on a walk-off home run that gave the Blue Jays a 5 - 3 win in the AL Wild Card game last night. Tonight, the Mets face the Giants in the NL Wild Card game @ 8:00 p.m. If I had a choice, I'd like to see the Giants win so that the Mets don't get past the Wild Card game. Call it sour grapes that come from 1969, but that's how I feel.

I took the morning safari with STWD yesterday because Mary had already gone out for a walk so that she could get home and get back to work. That's okay because I walk slower and it gave both myself and the intrepid one a chance to smell the flowers so to speak. We picked up the newspaper and then we continued on from there.

I had to edit the index for Mary yesterday to help get it out to the publisher by the new Friday deadline. We had lunch and then I got down to the serious business of baking an apple pie. The resulting pie is my best effort to date. I haven't tasted it yet as I plan to take it to the book club meeting later this afternoon. Here is a picture of my pie.

The crust turned out great and the pie should be delicious if it tastes as good as it looks.
I did manage to finish The Wright Brothers in between editing and pie baking. The book gave me new insights into the Wright brothers and their contribution to aviation.

I put in only a few minutes with the girls yesterday. So much to do, so little time to spare.

Today, I have more things planned before the rain/T-storms begin in the late afternoon. The NWS has forecast the rains to begin about around 2:00 p.m., so I'd best take an umbrella to the book club along with my pie.

I expect that the rains later today and on Friday will preclude my doing any weed killing on the lawns of the PE. Oh well, there is always another day.

I should be able to get in some time with the girls and watch the trains pass by on the RSTL. Along with the book club meeting, that's a full day for me. I may have more editing to do, but I don't know yet.

We did go out to the favorite watering hole for dinner last evening. I got an advance on my salary for working on the index.

The current temperature is 63° under mostly cloudy skies. Later today, the high is forecast to be 77° under cloudy/rainy skies.

The sun will rise @ 7:47 a.m. and set @ 7:18 p.m. Ciao.

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