Friday, February 20, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "This City." We have a current wind chill of 32° due to the prevailing 20 mph winds. The actual temperature is 38°, based on the forecast from the National Weather Service. That should be as low as we get this morning. Wednesday night and last night, we did as requested and turned on the outside water faucets to prevent the pipes from freezing. In GH, the current temperature is -8°, but it feels like -26° with the wind. However, it will get up to 26° by Sunday. Here, the temperature will rise to 69° on Sunday with a 50% chance of scattered showers. Scattered snow, or scattered showers, you choose. The sun will rise at 6:24 a.m. this morning and set this evening at 5:41 p.m.

Yesterday, we discovered a cookbook of recipes from England in the center island downstairs and Mary needed to make a few copies for her archives. That sent us across the bridge to get those and some additional groceries. We are planning a small party to watch the Daytona 500™ on Sunday afternoon.

Sugar the Weather Dog took us for a walk yesterday morning. We didn't get very far as the winds produced cold conditions. We should do better today as the temperature rises to 55 sunny degrees. We have noticed that the sun here makes the air temperature rise more quickly than it does in GH.

I got in some time with Abaigeal yesterday and that is always a good thing. Music is a balm for the soul.

Today, we have plans to stay in and stay out of trouble. That's another way to salve your soul. Mary has a work chat at 1:00 p.m. today, and so I"ll stay out of the way. That's easy with newspapers, crosswords, Abaigeal and TV.

That looks like enough to adequately describe today and the last few days. Ciao.

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