Saturday, June 7, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 3:00 a.m. in "The City." Our current temperature is 56° as we head for our low of 53°. We'll spring back to the mid 70s with sunny skies today. A good day for a walk to the farmer's market, or just going walkabout in general. I'm certain that Sugar the Weather Dog would agree.

I got the gardens on the palatial estate watered yesterday. There is a prediction for rain on Sunday, but that's only 30% in the morning. We go from too much snow to not enough rain. Sigh. Good news though, our tomatoes have their first buds, so in another 65 - 70 days, we may get some tomatoes. Let's see, that's about August. Oh well, that's better than not at all. There is nothing like fresh tomatoes on your salads or sandwiches.

While I had the hose out, I set the spray nozzle for "Disintegrate", and blasted the wasp nest on the front porch into the 22nd century. I had sprayed it the other day with wasp/hornet/yellow jacket killer, so I believed that the wasps were gone. When we bought the spray at the garden store the other day, I went for the spray with the greatest coverage of insect varieties. I don't like to kill insects, but in this case, I had no qualms. It was them or us. However I wasn't taking any chances, so I stood back and let the nest have it. The wasps are gone and we are safe.

We had dinner downtown later in the day, after getting up at noon. Sugar didn't seem to mind that her walk was delayed until 1:00 p.m. or so. Mary went to the grocery store about 3:00 p.m., and I played the girls. It was about 4:00 p.m. when we went out. My accomplishments for yesterday were laundry, washing the dishes, and cleaning the stove top, along with that aforementioned watering.

No trains on Friday night.

In sports, the boys in blue won their fourth in a row. They are now just 10 games under .500. The Tigers and my beloved Red Sox played each other last night, so I had a horse on both sides of the race. My Red Sox lost 2 - 6  to the Tigers. Too bad that the Tigers had to end their skid against my Red Sox. Sigh. The Caps were once again victorious over the Great Lakes Loons, 4 - 2. Just 2.5 games separate them from the division leading South Bend Silver Hawks. On the 17th of this month, the Fifth Third Ballpark will host the 50th annual Midwest League All-Star game. The Caps have six players named to the squad. Not bad.

Speaking of horses, the Belmont Stakes™ is on Sunday. My chosen thoroughbred, California Chrome, is the odds on favorite to win the Triple Crown. He would be the first winner of that prestigious honor since 1978.

So that looks like enough for one day. The sun will rise at 6:03 a.m and set at 9:24 pm. Ciao.

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