Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Good morning GH.  Well, it is actually a real morning.  It is only 7:40 AM, but that beats getting up at 4:00 AM and blogging.  I guess it just depends on how sleepy you are.  The view out the Weather Window is partly cloudy, and the current desktop temperature is a brisk 42 degrees.  I may have to break down and wear a long sleeved shirt today.  Sugar the Weather Dog is still snug in her bed, but that beats the Weather Cave she sometimes inhabits.  She spent some time there yesterday, as the weather was very odd.  We had rain in the AM, sunshine sometimes, and then sleet in the late afternoon.  They used to say if you don't like the weather in Chicago, just wait an hour, but I think we may have outdone them.  I actually got several things done yesterday.  I went to the doctor in the AM, then to the grocery store and even though my knees were aching after the treatment in the morning, I was able to spend some time in the man cave in the afternoon, doing some upholstery.  Finally, I walked to the library to return a book and pick up another.  I guess you can accomplish a lot if you push yourself.  Today, I have to get some additional nails to finish the upholstery and also pick up a new dustpan for the garage.  Some idiot, probably the same one that used too many nails doing the upholstery, stepped on the old dustpan and it got broken.  But, I can use the outing to go to the medium box hardware store here in town, and get the broom that is on sale and a new dustpan.  I may also be able to get the nails I need there too.  If not, it is off to the small box hardware store for those.  I also plan to go to the local farmer's market and get some green peppers and things.  Then, I'll finish the rocking chair and rest for the balance of the day.  Oh, I need to do some laundry too in addition to walking Sugar the Weather Dog.  Wow, it really will be a busy day.  So, for now, it is...Tea time.

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