Sunday, August 19, 2012

Good morning GH.  Did you miss me?  Well, as is often the case, I just ran out of time.  We had to get up early for another event, which I will discuss more later.  Thus, I simply didn't have enough time to do all the things that I like to do.  Right now, the view out the Weather Window is blue skies and the temperature on the desktop is a cool 53 degrees.  Sugar the Weather Dog is peacefully lying on the floor, so I will assume that all is well on the weather front as far as she is concerned.  Let's start with Friday first.  The roofers arrived on  the job at about 8:30 AM, and everything went downhill from there.  No way to get their trucks onto the property, too big.  Three layers of old roofing materials, too much.  No sheeting on the roof underneath the shingles, necessitating new sheeting, requiring extra time and effort.  Not enough tarps to cover everything, so the resultant mess was unwelcome, and inevitable.  They worked nonstop from early morning until after 10:00 PM.  Suffice it to say, they couldn't really see what they were doing once it got dark.  They couldn't place the correct pieces on the roof and they couldn't really see to clean up.  Plus, they were all so tired that the results of their late night efforts were predictable.  Enough on their problems.  Now, let's talk about about Saturday, a much more pleasant experience, and the reason we got up early.  It was the day of the Michigan Fiberfest.  I chose to go, because I had never been to Allegan before.  A pleasant ride, and although I missed the Irish Music Jam, I am glad I went.  Mary was involved in a session on spinning wool into yarn, so I had about three hours on my own.  I wandered through the various buildings, and  I got to see wool on the hoof.  Best of all, as a man, nobody bothered me with sales pitches.  I stopped to see the working dog exhibition, and they were a delight.  Much to the chagrin of the owners of Border Collies, the farmer noted that the dogs really are a pedigreed mutt, bred for their herding abilities more than their looks.  They are also able to  adapt to their roles as working dogs and pets, a strong indicator that they are as advertised, quite smart.  They also don't try to train out their ability to bite or nip, a necessity for an animal that is outweighed by anything from four to forty times its own size.  After that, I spent some time listening to the musical duo playing nearby.  Once Mary was sprung, we toured the buildings again.  Mary bought some Romney roving wool and then we were ready to go.  A great day all in all.  We finished our day at the post.  Tomorrow promises more roofing headaches as we gird our loins for another battle.  Until then it is...Tea time.

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