Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Good morning GH.  Well, I had to pull the shades up for a quick look out the Weather Window this morning.  The sky is clear, no fireworks in sight, yet, and the chance of rain is next to nothing. Sugar the Weather Dog is downstairs right now, having endured a tough night of pre-fourth of July fireworks.  I feel sorry for her, because she doesn't understand why people are trying to blow her up, and why this is in some way important to human beings.  I confess that the founding of our nation is an  important event to all of us, but why people have a desire to attempt homicide, suicide, or whatever is beyond me.  I am content to stay away from the fireworks and keep Mary, Sugar, and myself safe.  There, I've said it, I think that the goal of the legislature in allowing mortars for home use, ostensibly to keep the money in our state; was nothing more than a way to thumb their nose at the powers that be and to put more money in the pockets of the fireworks lobby.  I forgot to mention, that the current temperature on the desktop is 82 sultry degrees, with another day in the 90s likely.  I have heard that there is a chance of rain today, but by this evening, that drops to a lower chance.  All of this fireworks craziness comes at a time of reduced fire readiness and on the heels of a church burning down in GR, which the fire marshal attributes to misused fireworks.  Who would have guessed?  Anyway, time to get ready to face the day.  My horseradish is looking great, our garden is growing well, and our newly seeded patio edge is staring to sprout.  So until tomorrow, (Tea time is already done), later much.  Oh Adam, by the way, like your blog.

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