Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 12:30 a.m. in "The City."

How else can I say this? Not much is happening. The skies are clear and the current temperature is a brisk 28° according to the DTWS and 27° per the NWS in GR. Today's high is forecast to reach all the way to 36° under sunny skies according to their forecast. The sun will rise this morning @ 7:44 a.m. and set @ 7:59 p.m.

I accomplished most of my indoor chores yesterday and Mary once again sent the indexing job on its way, she and I both hope, for the last time. This has been a tough one, to say the least.

I only observed one train passage @ 2:10 p.m. Locomotives #2019 and #2057 were quickly moving through our fair city towing four DBTCs, two with those corrosion resistant stripes, six DWTCs, some also sporting those anti-corrosive paint stripes, five GTCs, and 11 CHCS. The passage came late in the day, on a Tuesday, which is unusual in itself, so I don't know if I missed the return passage as it headed north.

We were out after 4:00 p.m. as we took a trip to the local big-box home center to look at some possible replacements for our upstairs bathroom cabinets, vanity, and fixtures. We also looked at some tile for the floor. We didn't really see any that we liked, so at this point, I'm not sure I won't go back to plan "A" and have the fixtures replaced and refinish the cabinets myself. As always, this project seemed like a good idea when we contemplated it, but now I'm not so sure. It isn't about the money, but rather about the hassle factor as this project would consume nearly one week and put the upstairs bathroom out of commission for that time.

Since I was awake, I went downstairs and put some tofu into the oven for baking. This is a quick snack that we vegans love to eat. I don't think we have any chickpeas, so I can't make a spicy "grab and go" snack from those.

Otherwise, not much was nor is happening. The fur-children were there to await any possible extra tofu down in the kitchen as they too love to snack on the cubes, either cooked or uncooked.

We still plan to go to see Young Frankenstein later today. Of course, that involves another oversized tub of popcorn and another ginormous cherry-cola for yours truly. Mary shows far more restraint than me, sticking to a bottle of water and what the theater calls a "mini" sized popcorn. We both think that this amount of popcorn used to be the only size available at the concession stand when we were kids.

Ginger's crate has been moved from Mary's office and our bedroom to the media room because that is a better utilization of space here in the manse of the PE. I don't know how Ginger feels about the move, but she didn't get a vote.

That's enough for one day. Ciao.

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