Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be it is just past 2:00 a.m. in "The City."

Let's start with a thing of beauty as one of Mary's favorite poets, John Keats, entitled one of his poems, A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever. In this case, the thing of beauty is a vase of cut flowers that Mary bought for her vase in the foyer. The lady at Grand Haven Garden House, where we purchased the flowers, stated that Mary had great taste in flowers. I have to agree and I hope you will too when you see this picture. The final arrangement in the vase is all Mary, the flowers are from Mother Nature, or as she was called in Greek mythology, Chloris, whereas in Roman mythology, her name was Flora, hence the scientific word for plants, flora.

No caption is really necessary.
The current temperature is 42° under clear skies according to the DTWS and 39° per the NWS. Either way, it is pleasant. Today's high is forecast to be 44° under partly cloudy skies, also according to the NWS. Wednesday they are forecasting the high to reach only 35° albeit with sunny skies. For the next eight to ten days, we'll be bouncing around the uppers 40s and lower 50s. It looks like another set of cold baseball opening days throughout the midwest.

Yesterday we took the fur-children for two walks and also made that short trip to Grand Haven Garden house as previously mentioned. A stop @ our favorite watering hole and then home for the evening. Mary walked over to Arturo's for our dinner, but I stayed in to allow Ginger to be free rather than making a third trip to her crate.

I placed a few more pieces in my jigsaw puzzle, but I am concerned that I may have a piece missing as I cannot locate one that is in a field of mostly green. I'll have to wait and see.

I have some indoor chores to complete, while Mary has to once again tackle the latest revision of a problematical index. I'll take my time and spread those chores out over several days. Mary hasn't that luxury.

More reading for me and more walks for the fur-children after the sun rises @ 7:46 a.m. and well before it sets @ 7:58 p.m. Ciao.

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