Thursday, January 12, 2017

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 12:30 a.m. in "The City."

Good news, all 30 Major League™ teams have posted their spring training reporting dates. The Detroit Tigers pitchers and catchers report to camp on February 13, 2017, while the position players report on February 17. 2017. Full squad workouts begin on February 18, 2017. Yes, my friends, I'll be born again on February 13, when my beloved Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers begin spring training. The 2017 World Champion Chicago Cubs begin spring training when their camp opens the following day. What can I say, I just have to add a link to John Fogerty's song,


We have a current temperature in GH of 32° under cloudy skies. The high later today is forecast by the NWS to reach 30°, so we'll lose two degrees overnight. We also have a 40% chance of precipitation today. Oh well, the days are getting longer as the sun will rise today @ 8:14 a.m. and set @ 5:18 p.m.

I had the chance to do some trainspotting yesterday, which is normal for a Wednesday. At 11:55 a.m., EMD GP 38-2 locomotives 2019 and 2057 rolled through our fair city heading south towing nine CHCs, three DWTCs, and three DBTCs. At 4:52 p.m., the same tandem of locomotives rolled through again, this time heading north towing three CHCs, seven DBTCs, and three DWTCs, all fully laden.

I had my first of five injections for my old knees yesterday. One down, and four to go. Today, I have my annual appointment @ my internist for what will be my welcome to Medicare initial examination. I don't anticipate any problems, but I will be asking some questions to be sure that all my bases are covered so to speak.

We tried a new recipe for burgers for dinner last night. It was a very simple recipe that consisted of refried beans mixed with bread crumbs and then browned in a cast iron skillet. Mary made homemade "Secret Sauce" as a topping and the burgers tasted great.

I got in a few minutes of time with Susannah while I was waiting for Mary to finish one of the myriad tasks that she had to do to make the index delivery a reality. We finished up the index @ 11:30 p.m. last night. It vanished into the ether on it's way to the publisher shortly thereafter.

Other than that doctor's visit, I don't have any specific plans for today, and I don't think that Mary does either. I do know that there are some things she has been wanting to get to, so she should now have time. That's all folks! Ciao.

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