The current temperature is 20° under partly-cloudy skies with winds between 10 and 15 mph. Due to that wind, it feels like 10°. Today's high is forecast to reach 23°, that's 13° colder than yesterday, under mostly-sunny skies..
The Small Craft Advisory continues in effect until 7:00 p.m. tonight. Northwest winds to of 10 to 20 knots and waves of 3 to 6 feet in ice free areas are expected from St Joseph to Manistee.
The sun will rise today @ 7:37 a.m. and set later @ 6:21 p.m.
There was an interesting story in yesterday's Grand Haven Tribune, regarding a juvenile bald eagle. Apparently, a lady saw something on the ice near her Spring Lake home and saw two bald eagles swooping low overhead. Upon closer investigation, she determined that a young eagle was stuck in the ice. She called authorities, but they just had to wait until the sun came up and the melting ice freed the eagle.
It was surmised that the eagle had been looking for prey, swooped down, but found that its wings had become stuck in the ice. It seems that the only need for human intervention was to keep the curious away and let nature take its course.
Many years ago in Chicago, a pair of WLS Radio disk jockeys, the late Larry Lujack and the now retired Tommy Edwards, did a regular bit that they called Animal Stories, with Lujack as Old Uncle Lar, and Edwards as Little Snot Nosed Tommy. At the end of each segment, Edwards always asked Lujack, "Is the (fill in the appropriate animal) going to be okay?" Lujack generally said yes. So in this case, he would have told Edwards, "Yes Little Tommy, the eagle is going to be okay."
There's a genuine "No Prize" for the answer to this question, "What did the call letters WLS stand for?"
I made it to all of my appointments yesterday and everything went well. I had a great salad bar at the hospital and no problems at either doctor. I'm officially 2/5 of the way to the end of my knee injection cycle, or as my orthopedist noted, "Next week will be hump week."
While I was out, Mary completed parts two of our dinner, vegan gyros. She had purchased part one, the pitas, the day before. Part two consisted of making the vegan meat filler, while part three required a visit to the grocery story for cucumbers so that she could complete part three, the tzatziki sauce. Collectively, the entire meal was great and a definite keeper. In this case, Mary did it all herself, and my only contribution was going on a ride-a-long to the grocery store. Well, that and the consumption of her dinner.
While we were out, we made a stop at a local bicycle store, Loose Spokes Bicycle Sales & Service in GH to check on a possible E-bike purchase. The very knowledgeable owner, Jack, said that they did indeed sell them, but that their 2020 shipment would not be there until mid-March.
However, he was able to answer our questions, provide details and pricing information for the 2020 models, and we left feeling as though we know where we will be buying my new E-bike. Plus, what's not to like about a man named Jack?
At any rate, the E-bike that they sell, the Del Sol™ Lxi i/O Throttle would look similar to the one shown in this pic from the manufacturer. My color choices would be brushed aluminum, black, or sky blue, as in the pic below. Given my love of riding and an acquiescence to my advancing years, an E-bike will be a wise purchase. The color choice is still up in the air. This E-bike comes with fenders, a step-thru frame, a rear luggage/cargo rack, disk brakes, and more. It also has a range between 20 and 40 miles on a single battery charge with a top speed over 20 mph! More than I'll ever need.

I finished my latest large-print novel, Criss Cross by James Patterson late last night. This novel is the latest in the Alex Cross series.
This afternoon we are off to GR after dropping Ginger at daycare. That will consume most of our busy day. LOL. Ciao.
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