Sunday, May 19, 2019

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 12:30 a.m. in "The City."

Let's dispense with baseball news right off. All of my teams went down yesterday. They were in baseball parlance, 0 for 4. Nuff said.

We have a current temperature of 58° as we anticipate overnight showers and a low of 57°. Later today, the NWS has forecast that we'll rebound to 64° under a threat of showers/T-storms @ 100%! Of course, what would life on the "Big Lake" be without a Small Craft Warning, in effect from 12:00 p.m. today until 5:00 p.m. Monday. Not good for the participants or the spectators of the 1st Annual Kite Festival @ Grand Haven. I think there's a song lyric in there somewhere. Big winds, big kites, small people. What could go wrong? And, there is that ever present danger of becoming a modern day Ben Franklin with the chance for T-storms and the lightning that goes with them.

The sun will rise this morning @ 6:17 a.m. and set later tonight @ 9:05 p.m.

I had a great time at our monthly Irish Music Session/Jam yesterday. Many players, lots of spectators, and I got to debut a couple of songs I've been working on.

While I was out, Mary went to the grocery store and did some planting in our vegetable/vast gardens. The lettuce is in the pots and all that is left is everything else.

STWD was reluctant to go out yesterday as she was sensing a disturbance in the force, so to speak. She is a good weather predictor/forecaster, but that doesn't mitigate against the fact that she can be found cowering in one of the bathrooms most of the day.

We made a stop @ JWs before our dinner last night of pinto bean soup. Mary had procured the necessary ingredients a few days ago, and the result of her kitchen wizardry was terrific! In spite of my not being an impartial judge about anything soup, this is a keeper! Here is a picture of Mary using her old-fashioned, hand-cranked immersion blender, during the preparation.

Yes Virginia, there was a time before electrical appliances.
Otherwise, I plan to go to the movies today to see Avengers: Endgame and of course overindulge on popcorn and cherry-cola. Since this movie is 2 hours and 23 minutes in length, I will have to be jusicious in my drinking of that cherry-cola. The popcorn, not so much. After all, that's one of the reasons that I go to movies, to savor the flavor of theater popcorn.

I believe that Mary will continue to read her latest novel. She seems like she is on a reading jag of late. Fortunately, that causes her to listen to mood-music rather that watching apocalyptic movies.

So that looks like enough for one day. Ciao.

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